Need help badly with Central Park, defeating the Angel Stones

by PeterVenkman85

15 years, 6 months ago

i cannot beat this lvl, its severly pissing me off, please can anybody help me.

by Kingpin

15 years, 6 months ago

Smash the stone cherubs into the gate.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 6 months ago

and keep moving. Don't just stand there and tether.. otherwise you're a easy target for the Hitlerangels.

by matthew1

15 years, 6 months ago

Peter Venkman 85;151020
i cannot beat this lvl, its severly pissing me off, please can anybody help me.

This is probably the most fustratingly annoying part of the game. It is ridiculously unfair and it's nearly all down to luck.

The only advice I can give you is the following.

1 Make sure all of your weapons are upgraded.

2 Keep moving.

3 Forget about the enemies on the ground but try to revive Ray whenever he's down.

4 Once you've attached one end of the teather to an angel you don't have to be too precise about where you fire the other end. I've found that you can attach the other end to just about anywhere on the gate or the stone walls that they are connected to and it'll be good enough.

Good luck.

Out of interest what difficulty setting are you playing it on? I managed to complete the game on professional the other day. The part with the stone angels must have taken me about 50 or 60 goes and it was really only down to luck and good fortune that I finally managed to do it. It's really unforgiving and there's very little skill to it at all.

by Sii

15 years, 6 months ago

I don't know about you guys, but I don't tether the angels… it is just too hard. I use the capture stream and slam them. I just blindly slam towards the game, and as long as I am still moving, I can usually get about three of them. The great thing about the capture stream is you can just kind of activate it, and it will usually just find something to grab onto. I've done this on casual and professional. Oddly enough, I had more trouble on casual than on professional.

by Kingpin

15 years, 6 months ago

I don't know about you guys, but I don't tether the angels… it is just too hard. I use the capture stream and slam them. I just blindly slam towards the game, and as long as I am still moving, I can usually get about three of them. The great thing about the capture stream is you can just kind of activate it, and it will usually just find something to grab onto. I've done this on casual and professional. Oddly enough, I had more trouble on casual than on professional.

Same here, in a perfect world the Tether might be the right tool but it's just too damn tricky in a sequence where they kick your ass way too quickly.

by darkghost1

15 years, 6 months ago

On my first play through i really struggled to get past that area, using either tethering or slamming. On my 2nd time through though i found out that if you just stand in front of the gate and doge the flying cherubs attack they eventually break the gate open for you. After the many retires it took me to get past it the first time i was shocked to suddenly hear one of the gb's shout that the gate was open when i had just been dodging them for a short amount of time. So try it out n you should get past that section pretty quickly.

by jackbtripper

15 years, 6 months ago

I am having so much trouble with this. I have beat the game many times and trying it on the hardest difficulty and its this is so hard. Ray is no help. I have tried everything suggested. Why won't Ray help me damn it? (*ray)

so after venting here for a minute I went back and stood by the gate and sure enough in seconds the gate was down! And I beat the game getting my “Are you a god” award! Sorry Ray(*ray)

by BeastieRunner

15 years, 6 months ago

The first time I died there was on professional because they can almost kill you in one shot. Ray was following me around and they got a two for one special. Other than that, I can understand why it's frustrating for some but this part didn't really bother me. By the time I got used to the dodging mechanic of the game, I found i got hurt/failed less.

Here's my tip:

I use the tether when there are less than 3 angels around. If there's more, I use the capture stream to kill them till there's less than 3. I find the tether more accurate and quicker when used right. The best way I found is to tether the gate first, wait till a angle dives and misses, then attach your tether to the angel.

Granted, everyone has their own way but I find this way to be the most effective for me.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 6 months ago

I have noticed the things on the ground come in waves. What I did was take care of the stuff on the ground asap and dodge the angels (obviously) then once a wave is complete try and smash an angel into the gate. Wash, Rinse, Repeat