need help on geting a b day gift for a friend

by gbray1

18 years ago

ok one of my friends birthday is comeing up and broke ass me i don't have anything to get him but i found out he likes the movie the queen of the damned he has the book and the dvd but not the sound track
and i was wondering if knows where i can download the songs for free like to a realone player then i can burn them to a cd and give them to him
yes i know downloading is in fact illigel so pm me the link keep in mine if have no idea how to uses kazza and the like

by Kingpin

18 years ago

I've come to find that RealMedia files are pretty poor quality, and they stream instead of downloading.

You could try looking for a Torrent, or trying Alta Vista

Or here.

by secrecyguy

18 years ago

Most of the file sharing programs got shut down. The one of the very few left and popular is Limewire. Once that get shut down, I will start using iTunes. It's very simple to use.

As for Torrent, I think there's more steps involved to use it than using file sharing programs.

Here's the link.

Limewire is very simple to use.

Just make sure you disable the upload feature. Usually, that's how they (the record company) find people to sue.

by gbray1

18 years ago

i just tryed to download limewire no lock i have anouther idea but its kind of complacate someone can download the cd to theres burn it on a cd and send it to me threw the mail i will repay anyone who sends me the cd for the postage

by misfit1

18 years ago

Beware of limewire. My brothers PC was hacked pretty badly because of it (They created a locked folder and where using his pc to house some of the most horrific images of children I have ever seen..And will unfortunately never ever forget) We had to hand the hard-drive over to the police with all the IP adresses I had managed to record that where accessing the file. So be very VERY carefull what you are doing. My brother was simply using it as a quicker way to download patches for games.

by Kingpin

18 years ago


Ray, did you visit that link? I think it had the actual files.

by secrecyguy

18 years ago

Beware of limewire. My brothers PC was hacked pretty badly because of it (They created a locked folder and where using his pc to house some of the most horrific images of children I have ever seen..And will unfortunately never ever forget) We had to hand the hard-drive over to the police with all the IP adresses I had managed to record that where accessing the file. So be very VERY carefull what you are doing. My brother was simply using it as a quicker way to download patches for games.

That's bad.

That's one of the problems of using open source programs (Limewire, FireFox, etc.)

But as long as you have the latest updates, you should be fine.

by zack1

18 years ago

haha I loved the link Kingpin posted with the songs was overlooked. :-)


by gbray1

18 years ago

lol i'm so sorry kingpin i should of looked over everylink
but you have to admit zack is rite it is kind of funny

ps kingpin do you know anyother site like the one you gave me?