Need some RGB and EGB Figures

by aaron1

15 years, 8 months ago

Hey guys, Im lookin for the following from the RGb line and EGB line. They must be moc or loose/complete in good condition.

Slimer with Proton Pack

Regular Egon
Ecto 1
House Ghost

I also wouldnt mind finding a NECA Stay Puft figure if anyone wants to part with one. Just drop me a pm or an e-mail at

by rgghost1

15 years, 8 months ago

I have the Slimer with proton pack(blue). It is MOC. (I also have a loose one that is missing the proton pack)
I have the other stuff you want too.
Regular Egon - I have it MOC and loose
Ecto 1 - I have it MIB and loose
House Ghost - I have it MOC.

PM with offers or let me know if you wants pictures.

by aaron1

15 years, 8 months ago

I could also use the weapon that came with Screaming Heroe's Ray and the proton pack for 1st series Egon if anyone has one.