EVERYONE, please take a moment to read this.
There's not very many members like that, but you've got a HUGE point there, and I think it should be addressed immiediately. I'm not naming any names, but a small number of members just can't seem to get these rules through their thick skulls, and into their weak minds:
* Message board posts must be clean. No lewd conduct, language, or photos will be tolerated. Language used in the films is ok, but don't go out of the context of your topic and don't go overboard. Topics which contain anything questionable will be deleted, no questions asked. Even if they are related to Ghostbusters, there is no need for filth.
* Do not get into flame wars. Threads will be deleted if members insist on using the Ghostbusters Message Board as a war ground. Posting personal messages, good or bad, will not be tolerated. Use email to carry on personal grudges or conversations.
* Ignore members who insist on causing trouble. The more you pay attention to them, the more they act out. Email
mods@ghostbusters.net as soon as you see something offensive and they will take care of it right away.
* Encourage other members. Do not slam other members for any reason. The only way the community can grow is to nurture each other's ideas. If you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself. Rude posts will be deleted. If a user is acting out of line ignore them and email the mods (see above).
I know at least several members who have broke ALL of the above rules:
One is just plain rude to everyone. He threatens, he bashes, and he's just all around randomly rude to anyone. Even to people that don't even know him. He just seems to keep on getting away with it too. He thinks he's a “real” Ghosthunter, and seems to brag to others about it, while bashing them.
Another one is an extremely weak-minded (No offense.) rude person. He goes into random posts, and just yells off-topic comments at people. He usually does this when questions are asked, as topics. He'll go in, bash the asker, and give them a rude, off topic answer to their question. He also seems to think that the Mods are “afraid” to deal with him. I know for a fact that that is NOT true. I remember several times when his rude posts were deleted by the Mods.
The two members mentioned above, have INDEED been warned on numerous occasions to cut it out. But they continue act that way, and don't respect authority.
And last but not least, we have several other members, who seem to think they can get away with anything and everything, and won't get banned, “just because they've been in this community longer than us”.

And everytime they get into trouble, they use that lame excuse, and it works! That alone, is the most pothetic, pittiful, and weakest defense that I have ever heard! None of them have been banned yet, but yet they seem to think that Chad is a “Dictator”. If he was a “Dictator”, then they would've been banned a LONNNNNNNG time ago, considering all the stupid, uneducated choices they've made. Then after they've bashed the heck outta someone, with profanity and other rude comments, they'll come come back and give the lame excuse of “I guess I was wrong, and I'm sorry, and it won't ever happen again.”. Then the next day they'll come back and do the same thing all over again.