*Bumps Thread to the top for the sake of Humanity*
I thought we needed to take another look at this. Today is Thursday, May 1st, 2003. I know a whole lot of GBN Members are angry/disappointed/frustrated with the annoncement concerning
“It” being pushed back.
I just wanted to encourage everyone not to get angry and go crazy. The legal things and Red

tape that Red Ketchup and 88mph Studios are having to go through with Sony have caused a delay. Like someone said before,
“these things take time.”.
Mr. Paulson wrote: "The first impression counts, and the folks at Sony are just doing there job to make sure they cover all the bases. The key objective is to get this information out to the correct people in the correct way, at the correct time. This is difficult to do when you are working with a large corporation and you have your sweat, blood, tears, time, and money invested in this project. Give Red a break. This will come."So let's keep the positivity flowing! :s

*Hoses the negativity at GBN with a Slime Blower*