
by DemonicGozer

14 years, 5 months ago

Anybody else nervous that part 3 is going to end up more like part 2 than the original?

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 5 months ago

I don't think so…I think with the whole “passing of the torch” story they won't be able to rehash the older old movies

EGB maybe, but not the movies.

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 5 months ago

I Liked Ghostbusters 2 just Fine! Harold and Dan wrote a Funny GB2 Script. It was still scary and it was Funny just like GB1. Ghostbusters 3 will be an Excellent Movie just like the 2 Gb Movies because Ivan Confirmed last Year and Dan Confirmed that Everyone loves and Likes the GB3 Script Including Bill Murray! No Worries about Ghostbusters 3 because it will remain an Awesome Movie! GB3 will Rock in the Theaters on Christmas Day 2012! Just to Note 2012 isn't The end of the World! That's Bogus! When January 1st 2013 comes the World will still be here! No Worries about the World Ending because that's Bogus!!! Remember the y2k we still have Power because Power can't end and neither can the World!

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 5 months ago

Everything Will be Fine with Ghostbusters 3 and The U.S.A.!!!

by Willie

14 years, 5 months ago

Anybody else nervous that part 3 is going to end up more like part 2 than the original?

GB2 was a ripoff of GB. It had alot of similarities in the story. It was fun for me anyway. But, I mean story-wise, a ripoff of GB2 would be a ripoff of GB anyhow. Sort of. I am not worried about GB3 being too much like either predecessors in that respect.

Will they make some elements craptacular, like GB2 did? Yeah, I think so. Oh well. That wont bother me too much if I have a good time otherwise. I will probably like it alot. And I hope most others will also.

The new Star Trek movie crapped on the the old series. But it was so fun, I liked it anyway. I bet that will also be my take on GB3.

by theling

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;165473
Everything Will be Fine with Ghostbusters 3 and The U.S.A.!!!

Wow, that's incredible. If that was on a t shirt, who wouldn't buy it? (*spam)

I can't admit to being nervous about a movie. I get nervous about failure, when my friends or family do stupid things and when politicians make terrible decisions and ruin the world/country.

As for as Ghostbusters is concerned I will turn on the TV and watch it and every time feel better as it provides a wonderful escape. Whether it is the first two established movies, the excellent video game of 2009 or future films that may or may not have a new cast….

…it's busting ghosts. And I ain't afraid of no ghost. If you experience trouble sleeping or general dread at the prospect of a third movie actually happening… I highly recommend you consult a specialist who deals with dementia or general disconnection from reality.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;165472
I Liked Ghostbusters 2 just Fine! Harold and Dan wrote a Funny GB2 Script. It was still scary and it was Funny just like GB1. Ghostbusters 3 will be an Excellent Movie just like the 2 Gb Movies because Ivan Confirmed last Year and Dan Confirmed that Everyone loves and Likes the GB3 Script Including Bill Murray! No Worries about Ghostbusters 3 because it will remain an Awesome Movie! GB3 will Rock in the Theaters on Christmas Day 2012! Just to Note 2012 isn't The end of the World! That's Bogus! When January 1st 2013 comes the World will still be here! No Worries about the World Ending because that's Bogus!!! Remember the y2k we still have Power because Power can't end and neither can the World!

Goddammit, you're such a 'tard.

by slimelord1

14 years, 5 months ago

I see GB3 being entirely different in terms of plot structure from GB1 and GB2, but with some nods to both along the way.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 5 months ago

I don't think we have to worry about it too much - that's why the script has undergone so many changes - especially with waiting for Bill to sign off on it - it won't just be a rehash or redo of GB2.

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 5 months ago

GB2 was similar, it did have the “feel” of the first, but again RGB was running strong and with the popularity “bouncing” they went with safe and predictable. Now they have the fortune (in my eyes) of it NOT being popular and can do what they want and get it back popular, not follow the same cookie cutter storyline.