Never Fear the GB3 script review....

by Mike_D

22 years, 7 months ago

I know some of you may have read the review on Dans FIRST DRAFT of GB3. And after reading the review, most of you are probably thinking “Good Lord! Good thing this wasn't made!”…but let me remind you, the other ghostbuster films went over MORE THAN ONE draft. Do you remember that the original idea for the 1st movie was supposed to be set in space?? The director talked dan into changing things. I'm sure this draft wouldn't have been any different than the last 2 films-it probably would have went over major changes until we ended up with EGB facing off against another Gozer/Vigo type character. But you never know.

by Mike_D

22 years, 7 months ago

Oh, and is it me or did you guys find it a bit suspicious that he didnt post any “spoilers” about this script?? If the movie was DEAD, then why didnt he post the entire ideas in the review?? And if this guy got to read it, then why isn't the script available for the public??!!! A little weird, eh?

by Corruptor

22 years, 7 months ago

I had the same thoughts as you. I think something is in the works.


by NetSolo

22 years, 7 months ago

The Netmeister says:

The whole review right down to the goofy title sounds fake. I wouldn't be surprised if filmforce was given a fan script and lead to believe it was the first draft.

And sure, the first draft of the original film was WAY different than the final product, and I'm sure Dan wrote the script being vague so that he could mold the characters to fit the actors cast to play them… but still- Nat with his “abnormally large head?” ::Wags his finger:: No, no.

by dastarddan

22 years, 7 months ago

I'd have to agree with you guys on this. It seems that you would think you could read the script but you cant. So I still think there might be a chance of a third.

by AgentD

22 years, 7 months ago

Stax never gives away spoilers mainly because the scripts he reviews are still in production or perhaps that's part of the deal in how he gets these scripts in the first place. Also, I'd hate to clue you guys, but they just don't hand out screenplays to fans regardless of whether a film is dead or not.

by GB3

22 years, 7 months ago

I agree with Agent D. I too have been wondering whats up with these GB3 type newsbits lately? That one rumor in mid July about GB3 being still developing at Columbia pictures with “the old NYC”. How accurate is this bit? A site where anyone anonymously puts in their info/news scoops. But you never know, maybe someone does know something right? Then the thread about Paramount/Dreamworks getting GB3 for 2005? I don't know about that one. I'm not sure about Sony giving up GB rights/property to a rival studio. Then a script review pops up of GB3's early draft and one wonders what the hell is going on? How did this person get it and why was it givin to this Stax? I mean this scoop comes out of a respected, great site about movie news. So whats there to gain from lying on a dead movie? Is something going on or are we just getting too intrigued?

by AgentD

22 years, 7 months ago

I don't know about those rumors involving old NYC and Dreamworks/Paramount doing GB3 in 2005, but maybe, just maybe Sony gave the script to Stax to put GB3 in the news, you know just to create some awareness. What do you think?

by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 7 months ago

I think I might agree with Netsolo on this one. Still, even in its earliest stages, the characters do not seem very promising, and I don't foresee them even being funny, which, if you'll notice, is what Ghostbusters is primarily about.

by AgentD

22 years, 7 months ago

I think a good rewrite would fix those characters. If one did happen, they should defintely deep six that Nat character. In the event that a miracle happens, a good cast might make the new GBs likeable.