New Blog Post: "Didn't Quite Make It"

by ShadowSt

15 years, 10 months ago

April 13th:

It talks about:
Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis
influence from The Real Ghostbusters
the secrecy behind the game's development
the game's authenticity


by JoshuAD

15 years, 10 months ago

I really don't think not having Moranis or Weaver on board is a big deal. We got Bill Murray. Bill fucking Murray. I'm more than satisfied with that. There's plenty of room for those guys to have cameos if they do a third film.

I think the best part about this is the mention of a possible Real Ghostbusters game. Freaking schweeet.

by Andreas

15 years, 10 months ago

if Louis Tully had made an onscreen appearance, we had already half-decided he would be consigned to a wheel chair and rigid full body cast as the result of an unfortunate accident that occurred just before the player was hired as his replacement. He’d be able to talk, but probably not do a whole lot more. By the time Ms. Weaver voiced interest, the only part we had left for her would have been the voice of the computer (which Egon would have encoded to annoy Venkman).
Maybe they appear in the second game

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Maybe they appear in the second game

This games got to do well first, but I wouldn't mind to much if thats how they appeared, especally since Weaver voiced a computer in WALL-E.

by Whisk

15 years, 10 months ago

very good read. thanks for sharing

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

Good article, but this caught my eye in the comments

How come in these blogs, you guys never talk about how you originally planned for this game to be PS3 exclusive, and had like twice the amount of phisics and particles going on, and were then forced by activision to make the game cross platform and had to cut down on all that stuff?

Is that not bullshit or what? I mean by the statement being bullshit. From my understanding and by what I have read in interviews, was that it was planned from the beginning to be on all platforms, but they TR programmed it on the PS3 because it was easier to port from that version. As I have heard from many developers, it is harder to program games for the PS3 than it is for the Xbox360, but if you have it programmed for the PS3, it is easier to port.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

Scott Sommer;139129
Good article, but this caught my eye in the comments

Is that not bullshit or what? I mean by the statement being bullshit.

Pretty sure I recall reading that it was originally planned as a PS3 exclusive… not sure about the stuff being cut out due to the cross platform stuff, but I do remember hearing it was going to just be PS3.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

Doctor Venkman;139130
Pretty sure I recall reading that it was originally planned as a PS3 exclusive… not sure about the stuff being cut out due to the cross platform stuff, but I do remember hearing it was going to just be PS3.

I heard Sony planned from the beginning to be multi-ports to make more money off of it. I have never heard nor read anything about it being PS3 exclusive ever. I have never even seen or heard that term used at all.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

While you are correct about the whole “PS3 being easier to port out”, I still seem to recall something somewhere saying it was originally going to be just on PS3, or at least considered as an option.

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

Scott Sommer;139129
Good article, but this caught my eye in the comments

Is that not bullshit or what? I mean by the statement being bullshit. From my understanding and by what I have read in interviews, was that it was planned from the beginning to be on all platforms, but they TR programmed it on the PS3 because it was easier to port from that version. As I have heard from many developers, it is harder to program games for the PS3 than it is for the Xbox360, but if you have it programmed for the PS3, it is easier to port.

that's a load of crap.

*edit* err… the quote you posted, not what you said.