new car

by EctoBusterWes

22 years, 6 months ago

i would like the new car in GB3 like the ecto-1, but have proton blasters on the side to shoot and trap ghosts, and i would like your in put for some ideas.

(We got this Stay Puff guy wrong, he's a sailor and he's in New York, if we get this guy laid we have no peoblem).

by kyleogb1983

22 years, 6 months ago

I would like to see a newer ecto-1 which proton pack mounted to the side and with traps surrounding the back and front of it. And it will have the ability to fly and ramp over things when needed to and have the ability to drive underwater.

by Zoul

22 years, 6 months ago

I think it should have nothing diffrent that wasn't in the first movie. That car was perfection. I saw an old ambulence at a parade my marching band was in, and it was the Ecto-1 without the stuff on top of it, and I when I saw it, I thought that car to be perfection!

by bburge

22 years, 6 months ago

kyleogb1983 your car sounds interesting, especially this part:

“And it will have the ability to fly and ramp over things when needed to and have the ability to drive underwater”

Now is it just me or does this sound like the bluesmobile?


by Zack

22 years, 6 months ago

the RGB Ecto did some amazing stuff smile


by Ectoman

22 years, 6 months ago

Not as cool as the Ecto in “Attack of the B Movie Monsters”. (Was that it?)

by TheBigGuy

22 years, 6 months ago

Honestly, the 59 cadillac is my favorite part of ghostbusters. I mean, Everything else is amazing, but when I see apicture of the Ecto 1-A it sends chills down my spine! I would be hurt if it didn't show up in a third GB. Maybe they could have two cars. something in addition to the existing ecto. I like the idea of a Hummer! They go anywhere! (even under water with snorkling package) And they are huge! I think that would be great!

by Zack

22 years, 6 months ago

I mean Winston put a raft on this thing smile


by mrpecker1

22 years, 6 months ago

haha…kyle's ideas sound like one of James Bond's cars or “KIT” from “Knight Rider”… I would just stick with the original…. dont even really like the 1a..

by kyleogb1983

22 years, 6 months ago

Thanks bburge and Mr. Pecker, I ‘m glad you like the ideas for the car but too bad we don’t make a car like that in real life. But I do like the Ecto-1 but I just added so nifty modfifiacations to it. smile