new car

by mrpecker1

22 years, 5 months ago

Im all for the original, good ol' Ecto 1. If they try to change too much like they did with EGB….it will suck like EGB.

by smenkhare

22 years, 2 months ago

I think a good new ecto would be the Ford F-250 with a canopy. just my opinion

by ghostbuster2005

22 years, 2 months ago

i loved ecto-1a i mean it was perfect but i think they should add a few things to it like take the signs off the side and add the proton baster to the top make it look a lil better u know but keep the marks of the warnings lines and difffernt things like that that would be coo and call Ecto-2
Go Blue!#1

by Catter

22 years, 2 months ago

I think the car should be a brand new car with a lot of gadjets like the Bat-Mobile

by Gmoney

22 years, 2 months ago

I was thinking if they do make a GB 3, that the new car should be a Black or White 2003 HUMMER H2. Think about it, with the new Logo on the side. That would kick some major a*s!


22 years, 1 month ago

Hi this is my first message on this site but I have visited this site alot for prop pics. I agree with everyone. The coolest car in the world is Ecto 1. I do not like 1a. I have tried so hard to find a 59 caddy but can't find one anywere. I live in ontario canada and that might be a problem, and why I can't find one also. but to get back to the topic. There should be a new car because with the years gone by the 59 caddy is a rare find and if the movie is made and they use a caddy again they will have to most likly use an original car from ghostbusters 1. and the last thing us ghostheads want is to have the coolest cars in the world changed in to somthing different then the car we have grown to idolize.

by gb59cad

22 years, 1 month ago

I think it should stay just the way it was. I like the Ecto 1A. No new modifications, just the same old 1A.