new car for Ghostbusters 3??

by secrecyguy

19 years, 3 months ago

I know those Ectomobiles that was used in Ghostbusters 1 & 2 are very hard to find.

So if Ghostbusters 3 did went into production, which car do you think they should use?

One idea is since the Ectomobile is a Cadillac, they should replace it with a Cadillac SRX.

Another idea is replace it with a modern day used ambulance.

Or do you have any other car ideas?

Or should they continue using the same type of car?

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

Hrmm… that's the thing…

A Cadillac of the 59-76 vintage was chosen by Dan because it was a wacky concept, it's still wacky nowadays to see one of the customised 59 Caddilacs as Ecto-1… but a new vehicle, while being a lot more feasible, and practical… most vehicles wouldn't have the same wacky or unusual flare to them, a modern abulance might be a cool vehicle… but ut'd just be a customised ambulance…

It's a tough one, it's ruling wacky and familiar with new and practical. it's a difficult mix to get right.

I wonder what modern vehicles could have the room to carry the equipment, while also not being an everyday occurance on the streets of New York?

by river_of_slime

19 years, 3 months ago

Sony actully just semi restored the orginal Ecto-1 so they really dont need to find a other 59 MM cause they can use Ecto-1a as a parts car.

by Troggard

19 years, 3 months ago

I have an idea:

If they used ambulances for the car in the older movies, what if they retrofitted one of today's ambulances to be the new Ghostbusters car. That would look pretty mean.

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

I have an idea:

If they used ambulances for the car in the older movies, what if they retrofitted one of today's ambulances to be the new Ghostbusters car. That would look pretty mean.

It'd really be an ambulance with GB logos on it, it wouldn't really look that odd.

A vehicle which doesn't usually have emergency lights and sirens is probably the best vehicle to go with as a base for a new Ectomobile.

by onionheadedfreak

19 years, 3 months ago

How about one of those Elements? they look out of place no matter where they are, add the GB logos and oddities on top, and you have a vehicle that will be noticeable anywhere.
or perhaps one of those pt cruisers.
either ugly vehicle would make a highly recognizable ecto-mobile

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 3 months ago

But we dont WANT an ugly car for the Ecto, the reason the 59 Caddie worked so well was that it was an odd-ball car, but it was a GREAT LOOKING car as well.

by imported_Isaac

19 years, 3 months ago

GB just isn't GB without the ‘59 MM Cadillac. And I seriously doubt the studios would have much trouble finding any if they really wanted to. Sony has still got the originals stored somewhere which could easily be restored. There’s also probably at least a few unmodified versions in decent condition left somewhere out there that Sony could get their hands on. No need to use a new car for the Ecto-1. What'd I like to see them do, is to just give the Ecto-1 a new and cool modernized roof-rack, but not go overboard like I think they did with the Ecto-1a. The rest of the car could be kept mostly the same.

by river_of_slime

19 years, 3 months ago

Im going to say this only once and its my last time. Sony already semi restored Ecto-1 to where it looks pretty good on screen but close up it looks ugly. Columbia did the same thing back in 83 as well 88.

Issac actully theres not many left cause in 59 Miller Meteor only made 88 limo style combos.

by imported_Isaac

19 years, 3 months ago

Even if there aren't many left, I'm still sure that Sony has no shortage of people connections and friends in high places. If Sony wanted to get their hands on a ‘59 MM, then they’d find a way to get it.