new car for Ghostbusters 3??

by river_of_slime

19 years, 3 months ago

You dont get my point dude :-P Sony just semi restore one of there cars so they really dont need to go looking for one. Trust me if you can find a 59 caddy… in good shape die hard pro car fans wont give it up. However i know in Hollywood theres a 1959 Cadillac Miller Meteor limo Ambulance for rent that any studios can use.

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

heck, knowing things they might contact one of the guys who has built a replica, fan made Proton Packs and Traps are more well designed and built then the actual props… and are cared for a great deal as well.

It might be easiler for Sony to spend the dollar amount to hire a car, then either restore one of the originals or customised a new one.

by ecto_plasmic1

19 years, 3 months ago

Sony actully just semi restored the orginal Ecto-1 so they really dont need to find a other 59 MM cause they can use Ecto-1a as a parts car.
that is digusting.. ripping off another Ecto..why o why can't they just make new parts to replace the old! Those bastards.. (*rant) :-@

by castewar1

19 years, 3 months ago

The third movie was supposed to have another driving across the bridge shot, only with multiple ectos this time - unless they went digital, they'd have to find a few more cars.

The logistics for the movie aside, what about the logistics in the fiction? A company would be smarter to lease a fleet of new cars than somehow find a fleet of MM'59s and keep them running.

Ecto-1 would of course remain the signature car for the company…

by d_osborn

19 years, 3 months ago

The logistics for the movie aside, what about the logistics in the fiction?
baddabing! that's what i've been saying for years. i've always thought box vans would be a good, modern alternative.

by river_of_slime

19 years, 3 months ago

Sony actully just semi restored the orginal Ecto-1 so they really dont need to find a other 59 MM cause they can use Ecto-1a as a parts car.
that is digusting.. ripping off another Ecto..why o why can't they just make new parts to replace the old! Those bastards.. (*rant) :-@

I hate to break it to you but I seen Ecto-1a in person and seen close up shots of Ecto-1 and they basicly have the same roof rack just diffrent color skims.

by spengler2

19 years, 2 months ago

I completely disagree with the idea of replacing the ‘Lac.

Ghostbusters simply wouldn’t be the same without it.

by slimer3881

19 years, 2 months ago

how about an Ecto-Unicycle ? :p

by spengler2

19 years, 2 months ago


Now THERE'S an image..

by AlCapone

19 years, 2 months ago

I must agree with Spengler and the others in saying it just wouldn't be the ecto if it wasn't a 59 caddy ambulance.