new car for Ghostbusters 3??

by kimball

19 years, 2 months ago

what i would think they should do is bring back the original ecto with minor modifications to it, thats the car everyone knows and would be the best bet for the part

by river_of_slime

19 years, 2 months ago

what i would think they should do is bring back the original ecto with minor modifications to it, thats the car everyone knows and would be the best bet for the part

They did that to Ecto-1a (*ray)

by CrimsonGhostbuster

19 years, 2 months ago

Whoo! First post ever! I was up till 7 am working on some fake promo items for GBIII and the Ecto 50 that was mentioned in the script review was one of the things I decided to tackle…

by suvarna_rohit

19 years, 2 months ago

well…since the ecto shud look odd yet cool….
how abt this one…what do u think ppl??

by MasterSpider

19 years, 2 months ago

Haha that looks pretty slick…

by fusi0n1

19 years, 2 months ago

Dude, that oozes out friggin' awesomeness.
For a final touch I'd whack the red strip's wings on the back for old time sake!

by suvarna_rohit

19 years, 2 months ago

Thanks guys….a few more whacky n cool ECTOs comin up soon…till thn watch this space!!!!

by Kingpin

19 years, 2 months ago


well…since the ecto shud look odd yet cool….
how abt this one…what do u think ppl??

Wow… just…. wow…

What is that, some kind of limo?

by suvarna_rohit

19 years, 2 months ago

i dunno wht kinda car it is…mite b a limo (*ray) …i jus got the pic in my mail…

by DJ_Izumi

19 years, 1 month ago

I think that if they used the Caddy agian, they would have to out-do Ecto-1A which would be difficult. You couldn't tack much more to that thing without it collapsing under it's own weight.

The Hummer idea however does have merrit. Ecto-1 is supposed to be big and ugly (In a totally cool way). I could see the Ghotbusters using a Hummer… But not just a Hummer. Going and buying a brand new 50k Hummer to use as a car. It's not their style.

I think the ghostbusters buying an army suplus HUMVEE would be doable. It seems reasonable for the ghostbusters to buy a half broken large truck to turn into the awesomeness that is the Ectomobile.

“It's only $2000! It's a steal, we should totally take it!”
"There's blood under the seats, Ray."