Firstly, if it were possible could you not type all in capital letters? it's the net equivilant to shouting.
Okay, moving on…
But using old props would not work this days..U have to come fresh and new.. Look at Batman Begins or Superman Returns u goota be more upbeat and use new technology….
No you don't. I've never been a firm believer of updating for the sake of updating or simply because you can. Now, Batman Begins was a good film, and Superman Returns looks like it could be good… but at the moment the Daily Planet looks a little too art deco… but those are both cases of reimagination.
As many will say, a Cadillac is what most fans think of as Ecto-1… and it's why a lot of people aren't willing to see a remake, because it might be unecessary and change things we know and love. But in regards to the Ecto, you don't need something new and flashy for an Ecto, maybe not a 1959 Cadillac, but it doesn't have to be something modern or it loses some of it's oddball character.
I'm more willing to believe in a replacement for technical reasons, either a 1959 Cadillac would be too pricey for a production these days to buy, retrofit and insure, or that the older cars are not sound engine wise. That way, you can give bringing them back a shot and retire them for legitimate reasons.
We cannot us the old Cadillac Ecto 1 It would not work even if they modified it.. I think the Magnum would look tight with some simple modifications.. Not too much lights and not that… exxagersted.. It would look so cheeesy to use the old Ecto 1 people would be like WTF at the theatre…I say they should start the movies ova.. Cuz if u really see them both.. The cartoons were even beeter that the real movies…
Why can't they use the old Ecto-1? Or more accurately, either of the cars with a refitted engine… why couldn't it work? I agree, the car might look old in a new movie, or up against a ‘new’ cast. But don't throw the car in the dumpster because it's only 50+ years old and from another era. I agree, the Ecto-1A was way over done. I'm not sure how the people in the cinemas would react to seeing Ghostbusters and Ecto-1 on screen, I think more of the older viewers might actually fondly remember the old car then go ‘WTF’?
Oh, as an afterthought, you may want to watch over your post once you've written it to ensure you get as many spelling errors as you can…