New Cover Art!

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

I'm praying it doesn't get pushed back. Just put the fucker out in June. If its got some glitches or whatever, fix 'em in the second one.

Given the fact that it was originally set to release in October, I think its been pushed back enough.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

I'm praying it doesn't get pushed back. Just put the fucker out in June. If its got some glitches or whatever, fix 'em in the second one.

Or with DLC or downloadable patches

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

I'm praying it doesn't get pushed back. Just put the fucker out in June. If its got some glitches or whatever, fix 'em in the second one.

There's nothing to suggest its going to get delayed again, and I highly doubt there's anything to worry about. They want to hit the 25th anniversary, and they will.

by JoshuAD

15 years, 10 months ago

My fears are based on the fact that in all the newest videos online talking about the game, they all say “later in the year” instead of a solid day in June.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

That is common practice.


15 years, 10 months ago


Who Can Call All the Flaws in the New cover Art.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

Let's not. Let's sit around and argue some more :-)

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Challenge!!!!! Let's not. Let's sit around and argue some more :-)
Fine by me, cause I'm done with this thread.


15 years, 10 months ago

well ive started to point them out here

. Feel Free if you notice anything to chime in.

Lets Starts With Egon then work right to winston
Egon :
1. Missing Radio
2. Light On Top right of Pack Is Red
3. Missing Hose From Gun to pack ( Goes for all ghostbusters)
4. Trap Dowels Are red.
5. Pke is Massive! ( Goes For all Ghostbusters )
6. Tube that connects the banjos is green.
7. Leg Hoses Are Green ( Goes For all Ghostbusters)
8. Red leds on belt circuits ( only can see them on 3 of the belt circuits, Ray Egon)
Ray :
1. Extra Set of para goggles on belt.
2. Trap Has Been Reflected vertically
3. Looks exactly like Dan
4. para goggles has a Green light right in the middle of the lenses Also a Blue one on the left of the goggles
5.Missing hose from gun to pack
6. Missing leg fitting but has leg hose ( look Near Trap)
7. Red side rods for trap
Peter :
1. Has 3 Lifeguards on his belt
2. pke is massive
3. Trap he is tossing out has a hose connected to it.
4. missing hose from gun to pack
5. Has a blue and yellow led on the front plate of the trap.
6. Peter's trap has silver side rods
1. Also great render of ernie hudson from GbII But in the Game he has a mustache.
2. 2 blue bars of leds on bottomw of gun
3. hard to tell but his tubing that connects the two banjos is red.
Well Thats all i see so far.
again let me know if you see anything else

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

Jonathon Archer
Fine by me, cause I'm done with this thread.

yesss…yes…dance my marionettes…dance…bwahahahahaha:-)

well ive started to point them out here

. Feel Free if you notice anything to chime in.

Lets Starts With Egon then work right to winston
Egon :
1. Missing Radio
2. Light On Top right of Pack Is Red
3. Missing Hose From Gun to pack ( Goes for all ghostbusters)
4. Trap Dowels Are red.
5. Pke is Massive! ( Goes For all Ghostbusters )
6. Tube that connects the banjos is green.
7. Leg Hoses Are Green ( Goes For all Ghostbusters)
8. Red leds on belt circuits ( only can see them on 3 of the belt circuits, Ray Egon)
Ray :
1. Extra Set of para goggles on belt.
2. Trap Has Been Reflected vertically
3. Looks exactly like Dan
4. para goggles has a Green light right in the middle of the lenses Also a Blue one on the left of the goggles
5.Missing hose from gun to pack
6. Missing leg fitting but has leg hose ( look Near Trap)
Peter :
1. Has 3 Lifeguards on his belt
2. pke is massive
3. Trap he is tossing out has a hose connected to it.
4. missing hose from gun to pack
1. Also great render of ernie hudson from GbII But in the Game he has a mustache.
2. 2 blue bars of leds on bottomw of gun
3. hard to tell but his tubing that connects the two banjos is red.
Well Thats all i see so far.
again let me know if you see anything else

Wait..w..what are you doing..that's not arguing..that doesn't look like arguing to me:-)


Sorry, for some reason I started channeling Minor Junior Private Negative First Class Dexter Grif…and I do not know why.