New customizable ECTO GOGGLES!

by Kingpin

19 years, 4 months ago

Unlike other replicas on ebay, you can see while wearing these so you don't miss any class 5, full torso vapors! When you look through them, everything turns Ecto-green!

I presume by that, you mean there's transparant green sheeting inside it?

Though, in the movie they never made things look green…

by stantz1

19 years, 4 months ago

No it's not green sheeting. It's a green lense. I know the view is not green in the movie, just thought it looks cool. Any reason you have to criticize me? I'm just trying to get people who don't have the know how to make these or the means. Im just a fellow lover of the Ghostbusters, not an inconsiderate person with no sympathy towards another fan.

by Kingpin

19 years, 4 months ago

I wasn't criticising you, I was simply asking about the ‘green view’.