New 'Forbidden Love' Episode II trailer.

by fixer79

23 years, 3 months ago

Have you guys seen the new Ep II trailer. Pretty cool, wasn't it? I'm really looking forward to see the full film! I hope it will be better than The Phantom Menace…
(Ewan McG, were you on drugs during principal photography?)

by NetSolo

23 years, 3 months ago

Absolutely amazing man… everyone knows that the Netmeister's three loves are Ghostbusters, Star Wars, and the absolutely stunning Natalie Portman.

This will be a huge flick, hopefully more reqarding than Episode I and you can quote me on it.

by ParanormalGB2K1

23 years, 3 months ago

Star Wars, Ghostbusters and Natalie Portman indeed! Can't get any better than that!


by EPSG-9000

23 years, 3 months ago

I don't know about you guys, but Natalie is at the BEGINNING of my list with movies and real life following far FAR behind… smile

by Mike_D

23 years, 3 months ago

seems like another phantom menace to me…i mean, the trailer does look good with the background music and everything, but so did the trailer for episode 1. Hopefully georoge lucas didnt write this one over a weekend like the other one…but i did see the new scooby doo trailer smile reminded me of batman…oh yeah, they are making a batman/superman film, i read a review on the treatment…

by GBinOrlando

23 years, 3 months ago

i heard the new batman/superman film will be mostly batman in the background doing detective work with superman doin foot work.
saw the trailer for the new starwars flick…
i was a fan of starwars until ep1 came out, then i just figured im better off being a true fan at gb, seein how i was raised on it and all. damn, ask me anything about starwars, i'll tell ya, i was that hardcore. i will see the second one, if not to see it because the hot ms.portman's in it, but to find out how the hell boba fett is related to jango fett, and hopefully engrave the name jango fett in my brain. i just cant seem to remember it!

by Specter

23 years, 3 months ago

The Top 5 of my life are these:

1. Ghostbusters
2-5. (in no particular order)
Star Wars
Lord of the Rings
All Frank Darabont Feature films (The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, The Majestic)
The Princess Bride
The Matrix

wait… that's SIX! haha

Make that seven:

The Muppets