16 years, 3 months ago
16 years, 3 months ago
JamesCGamora;132261IMHO, not including the towers in anything after 9/11, movies, games, ect, has less to do with pollitical correctness, and more about having respect and compation for the victims and their loved ones, who don't like constantly being reminded of what happened, but maybe, they can figure something out…assuming they didn't include them.
Or maybe if they are indeed missing in the final product that there is another explaination other than political correctness…you know…like the plot of the game maybe?
16 years, 3 months ago
16 years, 3 months ago
16 years, 3 months ago
IMHO, not including the towers in anything after 9/11, movies, games, ect, has less to do with pollitical correctness, and more about having respect and compation for the victims and their loved ones, who don't like constantly being reminded of what happened, but maybe, they can figure something out…assuming they didn't include them.
16 years, 3 months ago
16 years, 3 months ago
16 years, 3 months ago
You know what would be interesting. If the WTCs acted like a tuning-fork for ghost-like activity. Because if the metal it is made from and how big they are, if you send energy sound cord in between them, they amplify and create a sonic worm hole to the ghost world or something like that.
I know it is a stupid idea, but just a thought.
16 years, 3 months ago
But, removing them from the picture all together in “period” piece has exactly the same effect. In fact it reminds me more that it happened by them NOT being there than if they were there…
16 years, 3 months ago
I strongly and respectfully disagree. They existed, they're a part of historical fact. You can't just pick and choose what history to recognise just because it may run the risk of hurting people's feelings. It's been seven years, if people are still getting upset at the sight of the Twin Towers (we're talking images where the towers are intact with no smoke, fire or are collapsing) then I think that the desire to not hurt their feelings shouldn't act as the majority voice in deciding whether to include one of New York's most iconic skyscrapers.
It's like how some people suggested they should be digitally removed from films, whitewashing over their existance in the end becomes disrespectful, like they were a dirty secret we were as a race trying to sweep under the carpet.
Thats a great photo comparison of Manhattan. I believe the location of the blast is the exact location of the actual firehouse in New York… which makes sense of course (just speculation). I visited that fire house a couple years ago which was very surreal!