New GB:TVG Trailers!

by ScottSommer

16 years, 3 months ago

Jonathan Archer;132271
Oh, maybe they're not in. I was looking to the left of that circle with the question marks and thought I saw them, but I guess not.

Not trying to argue with you Jonathan, but it is evident that the WTCs would be the biggest buildings in the photos. Even if I put the circle in the wrong location, I think the WTCs would still have showed as evident in the picture comparison.

Oh and to those who might want just the New York photo in the comparison without my dribble on it. here.

New York City was always beautiful at night.

Anyway for whatever reason, by mistake or done on purpose. The WTCs do not seem to show up in the game sky-line in the trailer. Maybe they made a mistake and might add them later.

I seem to remember an interview not too long ago that said that the game was going to explain why all the paranormal activity seems to happen in NYC. Maybe there's your answer right there…

It was something thinking about when I was playing with my tuning fork, plus reminded me of a historical experiment with magnets. I would imagine if one building could create a portal like it did in GB 1, imagine what two buildings of equal size could do. Maybe even rip both dimensions into shreds

by skankerzero

16 years, 3 months ago

Scott Sommer;132264
Hmmm….well I hope this helps guys to bunk or debunk that fact of the WTCs.

Thanks for the pic, that's just what I needed.

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 3 months ago

Scott Sommer;132281
Not trying to argue with you Jonathan, but it is evident that the WTCs would be the biggest buildings in the photos. Even if I put the circle in the wrong location, I think the WTCs would still have showed as evident in the picture comparison.

What can I say, I'm not familiar with the NYC skyline, especially since I've never been there

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 3 months ago

Jonathan Archer;132283
What can I say, I'm not familiar with the NYC skyline, especially since I've never been there

I think the point was that you don't need to be familiar with the skyline. If the Towers were there, they'd be pretty obvious given how large they are. If you know what the Towers look like, you should be able to pick them out.

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 3 months ago

Doctor Venkman;132286
I think the point was that you don't need to be familiar with the skyline. If the Towers were there, they'd be pretty obvious given how large they are. If you know what the Towers look like, you should be able to pick them out.

Well, they're not there in the trailer then, heh, though given the reply by SkankerZero there, that might change and they might appear in the game.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 3 months ago

Jonathan Archer;132287
Well, they're not there in the trailer then, heh, though given the reply by SkankerZero there, that might change and they might appear in the game.

Sounds like it, which is very encouraging.

by markderidder

16 years, 3 months ago

I surprised at how much talk there is about the WTC on this thread. Its such a small point.

What do you guys think about the acting, dialogue, and models? I'm darn impressed.


by JonathanArcher

16 years, 3 months ago

I surprised at how much talk there is about the WTC on this thread. Its such a small point.

What do you guys think about the acting, dialogue, and models? I'm darn impressed.


Its just like we've been saying though, this game is set pre 9/11, way pre 9/11 and of course, in New York, so I think people would want them in, just to make it exact.

LOL As for everything else. XD I think we've been talking about that, the game is coming out great.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 3 months ago

I surprised at how much talk there is about the WTC on this thread. Its such a small point.

What do you guys think about the acting, dialogue, and models? I'm darn impressed.


Everyone has talked quite a bit about that, in fact. We're just discussing the fact that the Towers should be there. Its an emotional, very serious topic, for some, so of course it will take up a good space of conversation once it gets going.

No one has put down the voice acting or dialogue or the models. Those are all spot on.

by fixer791

16 years, 3 months ago

I'd love to see an image of that Ghostbusters boat! It looks cool! I wonder what gismos the guys have mounted on it.

Does anyone know if the concept design or rendered model is available somewhere? Or is it the first time the boat is reveiled?