New GB:TVG Trailers!

by ScottSommer

16 years, 2 months ago

Dr What;132407
Hi!. I just joined this forum after seeing the trailer. I've been a big Ghostbusters fan since I was a kid, but it's was seeing the trailer that prompted me to join. I'm not a big gamer, but seeing that trailer was like being a kid again. I stumbled upon it just by chance, as I was wondering how the games development was going along. So seeing it was a very pleasant surprise.

Welcome, we hope you enjoy your stay.

by ecto_plasmic1

16 years, 2 months ago

Wow.. they actually showed the Crossing of the Streams.. in one part of the trailer. Did you guys notice? It's the part where there is a close up of the neutrona wand.

by ScottSommer

16 years, 2 months ago

Wow.. they actually showed the Crossing of the Streams.. in one part of the trailer. Did you guys notice? It's the part where there is a close up of the neutrona wand.

This is what you are referring to correct?

Terminal Reality did say we would have opportunities to cross the streams on purpose, but they also said I believe “The other guys have been doing this for a long time. They are professionals and won't let you kill them like that, so they won't let you cross the streams even if you wanted to, but multiplayer on the other hand…”

by robbritton

16 years, 2 months ago

i'm sure it's just a light/shading thing, but are there a few GB2 dark uniforms scattered among the standard GB1 variants in that screenshot?

by ScottSommer

16 years, 2 months ago

i'm sure it's just a light/shading thing, but are there a few GB2 dark uniforms scattered among the standard GB1 variants in that screenshot?

It's just the lighting. If you look in the next shot when they get tossed back by the percussion, you will notice that their suits are still that brownish-one.

Although we hope that maybe the the dark blue ones, I think dark blue, will hopefully be a option in the game.

It would be interesting if you collect all the in game collectibles in the game, it allows you to unlocks skins or something like the GB 2 dark suits or maybe even a skins for the cartoon Ghostbusters. I am overthinking it, but it would be awesome.

by batman2

16 years, 2 months ago

Looks like the email I sent to Harry Knowles last week about the new trailer has got his attention, he has now put up a link on his site.

We can't have enough press about Ghostbusters can we…?
Got to keep it in the publics minds and make Sony give us even more Ghostbusters.

by Kingpin

16 years, 2 months ago

Looks like the email I sent to Harry Knowles last week about the new trailer has got his attention, he has now put up a link on his site.

We can't have enough press about Ghostbusters can we…?
Got to keep it in the publics minds and make Sony give us even more Ghostbusters.

Wow, it's like he only first found out about it five minutes ago.

And when it's Harry Knowles, he's one person we can afford not to use to generate more press.

by batman2

16 years, 2 months ago

Wow, it's like he only first found out about it five minutes ago.

And when it's Harry Knowles, he's one person we can afford not to use to generate more press.

He does seem to be a fan of Ghostbusters, I have seen him post a few stories in the past covering Ghosbusters 3 rumours and I remember he was pretty psyched when the first footage for the possible Video Game first appeared, you know I think it was by Zootfly or something.

Hopefully other media outlets who check his site will pick up on the news.

by ScottSommer

16 years, 2 months ago

Wow, it's like he only first found out about it five minutes ago.

And when it's Harry Knowles, he's one person we can afford not to use to generate more press.

That seems to happen a lot lately. I still come across people who can't believe this game was in production for the past 3 years. I told them, “You know they have been talking about this game for the past year now, at least.” I then show them all the footage that was given in the past year.

I think the most common question I myself have gotten is “who is the 5th Ghostbuster?” I tell them it's the player or you when you play the game. I hate to be mean, but some information that people ask can easily be found by searching for it. With a little bit of research it can be found easily.

by ecto_plasmic1

16 years, 2 months ago

Scott Sommer;132423

This is what you are referring to correct?

Terminal Reality did say we would have opportunities to cross the streams on purpose, but they also said I believe “The other guys have been doing this for a long time. They are professionals and won't let you kill them like that, so they won't let you cross the streams even if you wanted to, but multiplayer on the other hand…”

Well that is one, but the other one is just right after you see Winston, Egon and Ray firing the slime tether. The it cuts to the part I'm talking about. It's a inclose shot of the Neutrona wand firing, and if you slow it down, the flow of the beam matches the flow of the beam in the 1st GB movie when they are about to cross the streams.