New GB:TVG Trailers!

by ScottSommer

16 years, 3 months ago

Well that is one, but the other one is just right after you see Winston, Egon and Ray firing the slime tether. The it cuts to the part I'm talking about. It's a inclose shot of the Neutrona wand firing, and if you slow it down, the flow of the beam matches the flow of the beam in the 1st GB movie when they are about to cross the streams.

Oh you mean these…they are probably part of the same scene…the 3 of them I mean

by ecto_plasmic1

16 years, 3 months ago

Scott Sommer;132432
Oh you mean these…they are probably part of the same scene…the 3 of them I mean

yeah CrossTheStreamSun5 LOL, I just wanted to point it out cause no one seems to have mentioned it

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 3 months ago

Maybe that's the part where they're shooting that…whatever it is that they're shooting before they get knocked down on their butt. To bad that scene doesn't result in more exploding Marshmallow Man. You can never have enough exploding marshmallow man.

Edit: Oh yeah, anyone else getting sick of people saying they want to see gameplay in the trailer? Up until this point, that's nothing but all we've been seeing except for the E3 trailer, and even then there was some gameplay in that.

by ScottSommer

16 years, 3 months ago

Jonathan Archer;132436
Edit: Oh yeah, anyone else getting sick of people saying they want to see gameplay in the trailer? Up until this point, that's nothing but all we've been seeing except for the E3 trailer, and even then there was some gameplay in that.

Tell me about it. “What no gameplay? What a rip-off.” Yet simple-minded people forget that several videos of gameplay have already shown up on the net and such.

Youtube, gametrailers, etc.

It's like some people lose common sense when they go on the internet. “Look it up, it is there. Not that hard to find gameplay footage.”

Boom 3 seconds.

Heck, I have even found footage of Duke Nukem Forever gameplay.,2845,2317290,00.asp

by fixer791

16 years, 3 months ago

Jonathan Archer;132436
You can never have enough exploding marshmallow man.

Now that's true!

Jonathan Archer;132436
Edit: Oh yeah, anyone else getting sick of people saying they want to see gameplay in the trailer? Up until this point, that's nothing but all we've been seeing except for the E3 trailer, and even then there was some gameplay in that.

Yeah, I agree. We pretty much know what the gameplay will look like from the footage and screenshots. I'm happy they've finally shown us some cinematic stuff in the new trailer.

Anyway, I'm glad they've included the classic ‘film one’ ghosts such as the Library Ghost, Slimer and Mr. Stay Puft… I hope there'll still be plenty of material from ‘film two’…
I'm still kind of hoping you can slime Lady Liberty and take her for a walk once again…

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 3 months ago

Scott Sommer;132437
Tell me about it. “What no gameplay? What a rip-off.” Yet simple-minded people forget that several videos of gameplay have already shown up on the net and such.

Youtube, gametrailers, etc.

It's like some people lose common sense when they go on the internet. “Look it up, it is there. Not that hard to find gameplay footage.”

Boom 3 seconds.

Heck, I have even found footage of Duke Nukem Forever gameplay.,2845,2317290,00.asp

That tends to happen on the internet, and holy crap, is that DNF gameplay recent? If so, wow, they're finally making some progress, holy crap.

Anyway, I'm glad they've included the classic ‘film one’ ghosts such as the Library Ghost, Slimer and Mr. Stay Puft… I hope there'll still be plenty of material from ‘film two’…
I'm still kind of hoping you can slime Lady Liberty and take her for a walk once again…

Heh, something tells me that with Stay-Puft rampaging threw Times Square that the statue thing won't happen, but it'd make for some epic lulz if you did, especially if you controlled it with, wha, wah, wah, an NES Advantage, though I'm sure that'd result in having to pay Nintendo some major money.

by demonaz

16 years, 3 months ago

Come on, if the demo video from San Diego Comic Con wasn't enough for people I don't know what is.

by ScottSommer

16 years, 3 months ago

Jonathan Archer;132439
That tends to happen on the internet, and holy crap, is that DNF gameplay recent? If so, wow, they're finally making some progress, holy crap.

Umm, it's 2007 footage I believe. It is not THAT old, but it at least something. 3D Realms did say that they fixed somethings since then and is a little bit different. This is a little off topic though.

Heh, something tells me that with Stay-Puft rampaging threw Times Square that the statue thing won't happen, but it'd make for some epic lulz if you did, especially if you controlled it with, wha, wah, wah, an NES Advantage, though I'm sure that'd result in having to pay Nintendo some major money.

You know your love, keep on lifting me, higher…higher and higher….oh sorry.

“Come on fat boy, I am going to take you home to my private Zoo.”

by Kingpin

16 years, 3 months ago

Scott Sommer;132430
I hate to be mean, but some information that people ask can easily be found by searching for it. With a little bit of research it can be found easily.

Something a few members of our own community could learn to do by themselves. (*janine)

I wonder how many people will be hearing about it for the first time once the adverts appear on telly next summer. Heh, how many will think it's Ghostbusters 3? :p

by Mjollnir

16 years, 3 months ago

Idk. If they see the big guy walking around I'm sure they won't think it is but will probably just forget then think that.

Of course I can't wait to see this trailer or a commercial on the TV. This is gonna look brilliant!