New GB:TVG Trailers!

by RoyKarrde

16 years, 3 months ago

Something isn't right with Bill Murray's voice… It sounds like Bill Murray doing Garfield… Someone should just tell him to talk in his normal voice!

Yeah I noticed that too and it bugged me alot, but Dan's voice also sounds a bit high during his first line of the trailer. So they may be tweeking with the vocal levels right now or something to try and get the audio just right.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 3 months ago

Holy crap that was awesome! Makes me wish I had a PS3 or X-box lol. Well, there's always PC!

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 3 months ago

I still think that it was completely awesome…


Whats this…


I haven't felt it in so long….

It's so alien…..

by RoyKarrde

16 years, 3 months ago

I still think that it was completely awesome…

Oh it's incredibly awesome, this afternoon I got the HD Version and viewed it off the PS3's Hard Drive. It looks even better when running off a HD TV and really gives you a idea of what to expect when actually playing it at home in just six months!

by slimer3881

16 years, 3 months ago

oh my, as well as everyone else has said, i was jumpin out of my seat. It was flat out hilarious and great. and i loved every second of it. i seriously cannot wait.

still, worried about the gameplay..but judging from the walkthrough reviews im sure its not bad at all.

anyway, AWESOME! im stoked!

by Ghostbuster-Adem

16 years, 3 months ago

OMG….Did that just happen? This isn't a dream is it?! If it is Don't wake me up, let me keep dreaming god! *pinches self* Not a dream? This….this is the most beautiful thing that I have ever laid my eyes upon…and i've seen some pretty awsome and hot ladies in my time. but this is EPIC! Thank you!

by GuyCC

16 years, 3 months ago




Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god.

After the last few days of watching Real Ghostbusters eps, then seeing this? Hearing the voices? Seeing the game in action?

I think my head may possibly explode.

It's… just….

Good job, Terminal. DAMN good job.

Game of 2009 for me without fail.

(Well, that and the Beatles Rock Band title).

by GB3

16 years, 3 months ago

Wow that looked great. I just wonder if its the same game? Did Atari redo it? Wheres the other character your supposed to play? These may have been all just the cinema scenes which really don't mean much. Just hope its good. Unless Atari has changed it or tuned it since they aquired it?

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 3 months ago

This is what we, the ghostheads, deserved from long time ago… thanks ATARI… you rock!

(This game will put out my Gears of War 2 out of my xbox for sure)

(Well, that and the Beatles Rock Band title).
I`m waiting for that game too (that reminds me… I need to get the AC/DC track pack ASAP)

by ScottSommer

16 years, 3 months ago

Wow that looked great. I just wonder if its the same game? Did Atari redo it? Wheres the other character your supposed to play? These may have been all just the cinema scenes which really don't mean much. Just hope its good. Unless Atari has changed it or tuned it since they aquired it?

He is still there. He is in several scenes including at the 0:59 mark where Ray says the line: “It wasn't me this time, I swear.”

He looks a little different than Ryan French.

Anyway, on to my comment:


As they say. I mean it, I nearly screamed like a school girl when I saw this. The graphics are far superior than last installments of the game we have seen and now I am glad they took that extra time to revamp it. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, TR cranked it up to 11.

It's a look chance that in game renders are just as good. Even though these look more like pre-rendered cinematics. There were actually some scene I saw that couldn't tell if they were CGI or real life. I mean the even got all the skin pores mapped out correctly.

Some say that the voice acting is not as what it used to be since the guys are old now. This is not true. You have to distinguish between real life voices on set to real life voices in a game. In a movie set, you have to speak at a much higher tone in order to get it to come out right thanks to a lot of background noise.. Video game studios have sound proof rooms so you don't have to speak so loud and they can get clearer voice work. This is the true difference between the two. Nothing different about the actors despite age.

One last thing, I actually laugh more on the part where the “Who ya gonna call? *proton pack charge sound*” and then Ray comes up and goes “That's your cue, killer.” It is almost funny, because it sounds like Ray and the rest are almost a little scared to do stuff which is how they were in the movie.

Awesome stuff. I have watched this trailer 50 times now and it never gets old. I haven't this excited since Halo 3 was announced.