New GB:TVG Trailers!

by stayinpuft1

16 years, 3 months ago

Besides Bill Murray's voice, I think that the game is coming along well… Apart of me thinks they've spent 90% of their time on rendering the characters (which is a good thing)… I only hope that they spend the next 7 months rendering every other aspect of the game… Times Square still looks like it could use a lot of work and all of the cars look like the same model, so lots of work there to be done… If cop cars are going to be like in every shot (as they have been so far), they could work on that alot more too as they look nothing like early/mid 90s NYPD cars… The biggest mistake is that they have blue/red lights… Everyone knows NYPD have white and red only!!!

The line between this game rocking and this game sucking is a very thin one indeed… If the biggest draw is how the characters look and the fact that it's the real voices of the actors, we are in big trouble… The entire environments HAVE to be destructable because that will be the big draw of the game… The ghosts also have to be very well done and the levels have to be very large and intricate environments… The gameplay footage I saw at E3 was pretty awesome, having Ray and Egon talking over the action… I really hope they know what constitutes the basics of a good video game and don't get so caught up in the Dan Aykroyd script and the fact they got Bill Murray that they neglect the rest!

NYC should look as good as Liberty City does in GTA, and I'M NOT EXAGERATING!!

by Nix

16 years, 3 months ago

If cop cars are going to be like in every shot (as they have been so far), they could work on that alot more too as they look nothing like early/mid 90s NYPD cars… The biggest mistake is that they have blue/red lights… Everyone knows NYPD have white and red only!!!

Alternate universe where backpack-mounted particle accelerators can be made*, and police cars have red and blue lights?

(*See also “The Wold Newton Universe”, a ‘family tree’ of fictional characters such as Tarzan, Sherlock Holmes, and possibly the Ghostbusters. That would include BOTH Columbia and Filmation franchises.)

by Yehome

16 years, 3 months ago

I've shown the trailer to my pals, who don't like GB that much. They were amazed and got overexcited too lol.

So, is it June yet?

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 3 months ago

Roy Karrde;132152
Oh it's incredibly awesome, this afternoon I got the HD Version and viewed it off the PS3's Hard Drive. It looks even better when running off a HD TV and really gives you a idea of what to expect when actually playing it at home in just six months!

Dude, thank you for that amazing idea. That was great! I hadn't thought of doing that!

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 3 months ago

I don't know why, but I love their little boat, they can't just use a regular boat, its got to have the Ecto-1 lights and such.

Wish I could find the screenshot that had the boat fully in it though.

by austinthe5thgb

16 years, 3 months ago

so idk if this has been brought up but did anyone notice that when they were in the ecto 1b the 4 originals were in the car while the new guy was on the zapping seat on top. purhaps they dont some of the feedback from fans and added that as a playable level. i think im gonna hybernate till june

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 3 months ago

so idk if this has been brought up but did anyone notice that when they were in the ecto 1b the 4 originals were in the car while the new guy was on the zapping seat on top. purhaps they dont some of the feedback from fans and added that as a playable level. i think im gonna hybernate till june

That's always been in from what I heard, you don't drive the car, but yeah, there is an shooting on railsish kinda level that's always been in.


16 years, 3 months ago

The new trailer looks awesome, and the game looks amazing. I really can't wait for June. Thank you so much Atari and Terminal Reality.

by ScottSommer

16 years, 3 months ago

You know what I thought was funny. The final scene in the game here we have the conversation between Venkman and Zeddemore, you will see Egon looking like a kid and running his PKE meter all over the place.

I laughed so hard.

by demonaz

16 years, 3 months ago

Scott Sommer;132224
You know what I thought was funny. The final scene in the game here we have the conversation between Venkman and Zeddemore, you will see Egon looking like a kid and running his PKE meter all over the place.

I laughed so hard.

Same here. I laughed out loud.