New Ghostbsuters No Ghost Animation For Fanfilms

by DJ_Izumi

18 years, 11 months ago

I used Adobe After Effects 6.5 to make the animation.

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 11 months ago

I used Adobe After Effects 6.5 to make the animation.


Are you going to make one of the second movie too.

by DJ_Izumi

18 years, 11 months ago

No. I don't have the skill to relicate the animation of the ghost moving into the no-ghost logo and giving his two fingers. I'm not an artist. ^_^;

by fusi0n1

18 years, 11 months ago

With the Adobe After Effects, is that a vector-based program? If so I have a better quality version of the no-ghost logo if you're interested, it's a bit more cleaner and less rough around the edges.
No offence on the job you've done, 'tis great!

by DJ_Izumi

18 years, 10 months ago

With the Adobe After Effects, is that a vector-based program? If so I have a better quality version of the no-ghost logo if you're interested, it's a bit more cleaner and less rough around the edges.
No offence on the job you've done, 'tis great!

AE supports vector images. I mostly did it with rasterized images. But my GB logo is somewhat inaccurate, it was taken from a ghostbusters font and the logo in the font seems to have some inaccuraces… And the ghosts chin is missing…

I'll take a vector image if you have one, but does it have the cross out seperate from the ghost?

by JimboTFU

18 years, 10 months ago

Can't download it. Is the link still supposed to work?

by DJ_Izumi

18 years, 10 months ago

My ISP disabled my account two days ago for running a webserver and I only got back online now… With my webserver disabled obviously.

Here's the video hosted on another server.

by Kingpin

18 years, 10 months ago

Excellent animation, Izumi… it's nice to see the proper version of the logo appear like that, instead of that rather poorly created version as seen in the film.

There's only two critique:

1) The animation seems to shift to the right a little as the ‘camera’ is pulling away from the logo.

2) The glow itself doesn't feature the blue tinge as used on the promotional stuff.

But #2 is mostly a minor artistic critque, aside from that, well done. It's bound to be useful somewhere. It actually does look like the one featured in the film for a few frames.

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 10 months ago

1) The animation seems to shift to the right a little as the ‘camera’ is pulling away from the logo.

That's because the title appears and you want to see the title in middle of the screen.
If you center it with the logo the title isn't in the middle anymore.

by DJ_Izumi

18 years, 10 months ago

1) The animation seems to shift to the right a little as the ‘camera’ is pulling away from the logo.

2) The glow itself doesn't feature the blue tinge as used on the promotional stuff.

I centered the ‘Ghostbusters’ based on the entire word itself and not using the no-ghost as the center point. I just felt it looked better but that can be changed.

The glow, I just did white but I could change it to anything, red, green, blue, rainbow…