New Ghostbusters 3 Script Topic(POST HERE!)

by bigtwinkie2

16 years, 6 months ago

Yeah I mean I'm willing to let other writers give it a shot, so long as Harold and Dan can re-write the dialogue (nobody knows the characters better than them) and Murray can improv as needed.

by Yourbigpalal83

16 years, 6 months ago

Well, this is how it should,(and im hoping) it goes down.

The two writers write the first draft of the script. Harold and Dan go over it, tweak it a bit, ajust a few things, and present it to the studio. They know if they can secure Bill, then the thing is all but green lit.

within 6 months, camera's begin to role after a brief pre production period were they simply just design new ghosts and update the equiptment. I doubt shooting would be an extended shoot, cause its ghostbusters, not star wars or 300 or lord of the rings… and within a year it should be hitting theaters.

I figure, summer or christmas 2010 is our year, maby summer 2011! I think that next year will be the year of the game, generate hype for the film, and maby even get it shot by next year, god willing (as far as i know writing a script usualy is 3 months, so they might have a draft completed by Xmas of this year and be greenlit to start shooting in the summer or next fall.

by slimer3881

16 years, 6 months ago

Took the words out of my head. That sounds pretty note for note to me. if everything goes well, we should get a new film within the next 2 years, 2 years is always the general amount of time for a movie to be made, depending on the budget. Maybe this we'll be the most successful comedy sequel of all time. just maybe, if the cards are played right, and it actually falls through.

by Kalonthar

16 years, 6 months ago

Being worried about it not being strictly by the “original creators” is silly. GB2 is not good, and Aykroyd's GB3 script sounded horrendous. If the reports are true that they're using elements both from Aykroyd's/Ramis's ideas and the new guys, that's good, because what made part 1 so good was tempering Aykroyd's over-the-top fantasy elements with real world mundane-ness.

I'll sorta agree with the first part, disagree with the GB2 thing (because I'm a big fan of the film), partly agree with the third part and I'll agree fully with the last part. So I guess we can put me in the “as long as Aykroyd and Ramis have input then I don't have a prolem” pool

by lozbloke

16 years, 6 months ago

Well Im willing to put my trust in the powers that be, and not shoot the whole idea down before its even written.
Im happy as with the original 4 being the central characters in the plot as well as I am with them just being mentors.
As long as the spirit of the movies remains, and the whole thing doesnt become as cartoony as Ghostbusters 2 (which for me, albeit I enjoyed it, seemed to be more of a live action RGB movie), then Im a happy boy!

by LawgSkrak

16 years, 6 months ago

All I have to say is…


by sinister1

16 years, 6 months ago


16 years, 6 months ago

Is this for real? Are we really going to finally see a Ghostbusters 3 movie?!

If Sony actually goes through with this and starts filming then I'm stoked.

by sandmanfvr

16 years, 6 months ago

I think it will be fine. With all the creativity in there and making it like the old GB movies, then using the old crew one last time to pass the torch, then hell people: WE COULD SEE THE DAWN ON A NEW GB FRANCHISE! If done right, then this will rock. I mean SERIOUSLY, do we expect the old crew to do like they did in the old films? I don't but I think this could work, really well. Hell maybe have say the old crew stay around (if sequels to this new “breed” of GB's takes off) with Egon and Ray at the Firehouse doing tech, Winston which is younger could help some, and Peter just is the PR.

I can imagine a big scene in the end, where the new kids need help and ONE LAST TIME the boys put the digs on and power up the proton packs. Really, that thought sends SHIVERS down my spine. I hope it works out this way.

by Yourbigpalal83

16 years, 6 months ago

i want this film in the worse way, but right now…im weary. Intill the camera's start rolling on the first day of shooting, im just keeping a “ill believe it when i see it mentality”