New Ghostbusters 3 Script Topic(POST HERE!)

by sinister1

16 years, 6 months ago

(Why do I think Ben is going to kill me for posting that link?)

by Sp9543

16 years, 6 months ago

You've echoed my sentiments exactly! Let's be perfectly honest. The script which was written by Ramis and Aykroyd for Ghostbusters II was not good! With that in mind I see no reason why someone else shouldn't have a go at writing a script for Ghostbusters III.

Just to stick up for our little under-rated sequel here, and correct me if I am wrong, but I thought that Ramis's and Aykyrod's script was never produced. Remember, their script enticed Murray back, so it must have been good. I thought the script was then chopped to bits by the studio and then made into a more family friendly film. If all that is true, then unless we get their draft of the GB 2 script, we will never know how Ramis and Aykroyd would have fared writing another GB.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 6 months ago

Aykroyd wrote a draft of “Ghostbusters II” that was completely different from what was produced, but Ramis and Aykroyd came up with the story idea and wrote what is today “Ghostbusters II”. They also then wrote a totally new script for “Ghostbusters III”, so technically there are at least 2 scripts that we have not seen for Ghostbusters movies, although apparently a lot of aspects from the “Ghostbusters III” script are being put into the video game. Let's not start talking as if “Ghostbusters” was a flash in the pan, and that these guys can't write another awesome movie, because that's just ignorant. Of course they can.

New fresh ideas are not negative. They can be very positive, and in all likelihood will be. If Apatow and Co. get involved, it will not be a raunchy sex comedy. That's not what they're about, and those that think they are don't pay attention to the storylines. They write funny, lighthearted comedies, that have likeable characters, with real stories. Yes, some have to do with sex and drugs, but that is not what “Ghostbusters” is, and it will never be allowed to become that as long as Aykroyd owns a part of the rights. He won't make a “Ghostbusters” movie just for the sake of making a “Ghostbusters” movie. He will make sure that we get a quality, proper sequel. The man loves “Ghostbusters” more than any of us, let's no forget that. He'll take care of the property, even if he doesn't write the 3rd movie.

by sandmanfvr

16 years, 6 months ago

Doctor V has a good point. Also GB II was cut but the studios. It IS is a great movie, just you see the cuts and how it was dumbed down, due to The Real Ghostbusters being popular and kids being a target audience. I think GB III will rule as along as all get in there, role up their sleeves and make it great.

by Kingpin

16 years, 6 months ago


He confirms a script's being written, not that Ghostbusters 3 is being made.

And there's been some doubts that that email was from Harold Ramis. Now of course, I don't believe that a reputable publication like the Chicago Tribune would lie, but the last week's been crazy as hell and I wouldn't put it past someone trying to fool the paper.

by matthew1

16 years, 6 months ago

Personally I don't see any reason why Ramis would email the Chicago Tribune. After all, Sony have only employed two writers to work on a script. If the movie was greenlit then yes, I could see Ramis perhaps sending an email out but not in the situation. I'm not saying he didn't send it but I would be surprised if it was indeed him.

by Sp9543

16 years, 6 months ago

Devil's advocate- maybe he sent the letter in response to a journalist's question.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 6 months ago

I think its pretty safe to assume that the e-mail was sent as a response, not as an initial contact.

Considering it starts out with “yes its true” rather than something more introductory. It starts out immediately as if he's answering a question.

by Ghostbuster-Adem

16 years, 6 months ago

I guess being asked the same old tiring question..“So Ghostbusters 3, is it happening anytime soon!?!” over and over for years on end would cause anyone to rush the final statement and not make any small talk building towards its confirmation.

by MatthewPuis

16 years, 6 months ago

Where can we read more about the original scripts for Ghostbusters I and II? They've never been leaked, have they?