New Ghostbusters 3 Script Topic(POST HERE!)

by slimer3881

16 years, 5 months ago

Well, it never hurts to help

by WSNProductions

16 years, 5 months ago

If they don't announce something official by January, its never gonna happen.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

If they don't announce something official by January, its never gonna happen.

Why January? What makes that the drop dead deadline for the movie to “never be made”.

by WSNProductions

16 years, 5 months ago

Because thats two or three months from now, if in two or three months we don't have something iron clad then we're just getting our hopes up. I've already went threw this for 10 years with Indy IV. (and i was let down BTW)

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

At least you weren't let down in the same way… Indy IV got made… even though some people didn't like it.

by WSNProductions

16 years, 5 months ago

A friend of mine said this to me the other day:

“When a legendary fighter retires on the top of his career, and then comes back years later, he can't fight the same. So he's only going to embarrass himself and then that's the last thin people remember him for is a embarrassment. He was better off to let people remember him as a legend then a old burn out.”

Indy is now going to be remembered as the old burn out, as is John Mclain, Star Wars, and so on…

Do you want the GB's to be remembered for that, because realistically the odds are against it. What happens is you've been brewing on the GB movie you want to see for years now, you hype yourself up believing it's going to be everything you would hope. Then when it isn't (and there is a good chance it wont) you get very let down.

Don't get me wrong i hope it comes out and its better then the old ones, the best film i ever saw, but i just can't get my hopes again. I've loved the Indy, Star Wars, and the GB movies since i was a kid. 3 out of 3 disappointments would suck.

Take the chance? I don't know.

by MatthewPuis

16 years, 5 months ago

A friend of mine said this to me the other day:

“When a legendary fighter retires on the top of his career, and then comes back years later, he can't fight the same. So he's only going to embarrass himself and then that's the last thin people remember him for is a embarrassment. He was better off to let people remember him as a legend then a old burn out.”

Indy is now going to be remembered as the old burn out, as is John Mclain, Star Wars, and so on…

Do you want the GB's to be remembered for that, because realistically the odds are against it. What happens is you've been brewing on the GB movie you want to see for years now, you hype yourself up believing it's going to be everything you would hope. Then when it isn't (and there is a good chance it wont) you get very let down.

Don't get me wrong i hope it comes out and its better then the old ones, the best film i ever saw, but i just can't get my hopes again. I've loved the Indy, Star Wars, and the GB movies since i was a kid. 3 out of 3 disappointments would suck.

Take the chance? I don't know.

It's a bad move to make a boxing analogy regarding sequels, since Rocky Balboa shocked everybody by being a great movie. We were certainly better off seeing Rocky in the ring one last time, even though he was 60. To quote Rocky's son, “everybody thought this was a joke including me - now nobody's laughing.”

In 2005 if you sat and thought “which has more potential - a Rocky VI or a Ghostbusters III?” it would have been GB3 and it wouldn't have been close. If they succeeded with Rocky they can succeed with GB.

by WSNProductions

16 years, 5 months ago

If they succeeded with Rocky they can succeed with GB.

But wouldn't that go for Indy too? Rocky was good because Stallone stepped up and brought his game. GB in Hell? That ain't exactly what i call a good come back. It sounds more like a fan film. Blues Brothers 2000?

Rambo and Rocky was good movies, but that's because Stallone made them that way. Akroyd ain't exactly the same way even though i love him, neither is Spielberg or Lucas.

But i have little faith in these new writers from the Office and maybe the Director of 40 Year Old Virgin.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

But wouldn't that go for Indy too? Rocky was good because Stallone stepped up and brought his game. GB in Hell? That ain't exactly what i call a good come back. It sounds more like a fan film. Blues Brothers 2000?

Rambo and Rocky was good movies, but that's because Stallone made them that way. Akroyd ain't exactly the same way even though i love him, neither is Spielberg or Lucas.

But i have little faith in these new writers from the Office and maybe the Director of 40 Year Old Virgin.

Of course it COULD hold true for Indy. Just because the new Indy film didn't meet expectations doesn't mean it couldn't have if done differently.

And the GB in Hell script isn't part of this. That's the point of the new writers. They're coming up with their own story and writing it.

Did you just say that Stallone is better than Aykroyd, Spielberg, and Lucas? Are you implying that these men can't bring their A game, and turn out a fantastic sequel? Pass some of that good stuff over here.

And I don't know why you'd have “little” faith in the Office writers and Judd Apatow. They've all done great things and are very successful.

by rodie1

16 years, 5 months ago

This, like any other movie ever made, has the potential to be awesome or the potential to really suck. Just wait and see if it even goes into production before we decide what it is going to be like.