New Ghostbusters 3 Script Topic(POST HERE!)

by robbritton

16 years, 5 months ago

This, like any other movie ever made, has the potential to be awesome or the potential to really suck. Just wait and see if it even goes into production before we decide what it is going to be like.

stop being sensible on the internet! what's gotten into you?!

by rodie1

16 years, 5 months ago

stop being sensible on the internet! what's gotten into you?!

Sorry, I forgot to read the rules sticky!

by matthew1

16 years, 5 months ago

This, like any other movie ever made, has the potential to be awesome or the potential to really suck. Just wait and see if it even goes into production before we decide what it is going to be like.

Exactly. It all depends on how it's made. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was decent I thought but had two things wrong with it. It's script and it's over-use of cgi. With a few more rewrites of the script the movie could have been much better than it was and less cgi and more reality would have retained more of the old indy feel. Die Hard 4.0 was the same. I am a huge die hard fan but this movie was disappointing due to the fact that again, its script had a good central idea but wasnt sharp enough, they took it away from mctiernan and let wiseman direct it, michael kamens music was missing and also because of its r rating. I'm not even going to start with Lost Boys II because otherwise I'll be ranting all night. When you make a sequel to a popular series you have to do it well, you must stay true its original recipe/idea and you must contain all of the things that people liked about it in the first place.

If a good script is written for Ghostbusters III, if elmer Bernsteins score is used, if murray, ramis, hudson, aykroyd and potts star in it, then the chances are that it will be a great movie and a worthy addition to the francise however the quality has to be there in every stage of the production.

by WSNProductions

16 years, 5 months ago

stop being sensible on the internet! what's gotten into you?!


What scares me is that your being serious.

by GB3

16 years, 5 months ago


posted these newslinks from newslinks that reportfrom the same news about what led up to GB3 writiing announcement, read these first:

I just find it disturbiing that if true, these are what led up to the current GB3 developments.
And how could a GB3 have been underway if its a rights thing that prevented GB3 from happening in the first place? Is there animosity between these 3 guys? If so, why would they be working together again? Ramis says that he, Dan and Ivan Reitman would be consulting. So would Dan & Harold get to touch up the final script? I also wonder if Ramis will put back up the “Egon hair style” when he acts his scenes if it happens?
Its just to me that these are disturbing info and could maybe lead to a good, bad GB3 or ‘gasp’, more production hell. What do you all think?

by Ghostbuster-Adem

16 years, 5 months ago

I think some people just need to chill on the whole if the movie is going to be Good or Bad…Just an idea, and another one here, not to start any problems im just saying this cause I think I talk for some of us on this subject, that in my opion any movie out there made doesn't exactly “suck” or “bomb huge”. Everyone has different ideas on how the movie is good or bad. Just cause you don't like that part out of a movie, doesn't mean that a friend or someone else didnt like it. I've seen alot of movies with friends/family and random people at the theator and every single one of them has had a different opion on a sceene or certain part of a movie. And I think that's what happens to alot of movies made in todays world, people are different in unique ways and therefore find themselfs liking different things. It's human to find problems with a movie in production, but as far as we know GB3 isn't even aproaching the greenlight section yet. I find it kinda of a waste of time to put so much effort and thought into something that has yet to be comfirmed. Instead of shooting down movies for making a come back after years of waiting, maybe we should consider what type of movie idea they would go with? In your own personal intrest what type idea's for GB3 would you like to see if and when it comes out. Just a few thoughts from my head tho, don't be hatin! haha


by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

I think some people just need to chill on the whole if the movie is going to be Good or Bad…Just an idea, and another one here, not to start any problems im just saying this cause I think I talk for some of us on this subject, that in my opion any movie out there made doesn't exactly “suck” or “bomb huge”. Everyone has different ideas on how the movie is good or bad. Just cause you don't like that part out of a movie, doesn't mean that a friend or someone else didnt like it. I've seen alot of movies with friends/family and random people at the theator and every single one of them has had a different opion on a sceene or certain part of a movie. And I think that's what happens to alot of movies made in todays world, people are different in unique ways and therefore find themselfs liking different things. It's human to find problems with a movie in production, but as far as we know GB3 isn't even aproaching the greenlight section yet. I find it kinda of a waste of time to put so much effort and thought into something that has yet to be comfirmed. Instead of shooting down movies for making a come back after years of waiting, maybe we should consider what type of movie idea they would go with? In your own personal intrest what type idea's for GB3 would you like to see if and when it comes out. Just a few thoughts from my head tho, don't be hatin! haha


Don't be so passive and positive. Obviously no one person's opinion matters more than most, so obviously a movie can't “suck” to everyone. But people are entitled to their opinions and are entitled to share those opinions, whether they be positive or negative. But to say a movie can't “bomb huge”… that's based on fact, not opinion. Expectations are set for movies, and if they fail to meet those expectations, they have “bombed”… if they fail to meet those expectations without even coming close, they have “bombed huge”.

The point is, this is a message board. If we're not going to discuss the potential of this movie, and the news, and our reactions to it… then why are we all here? To discuss whether or not Ghostbusters II was inferior again? To discuss ad nausueum people's fears of the video game never getting published? No, of course not. That gets boring, and people get annoyed with each other constantly making the same points. This is actual news on the Ghostbusters III front… its fun to actually talk about the potential for the movie. At the same time, yes, its also fun to discuss the potential storylines for the movie… although that's kinda what we're doing. Saying whether or not its going to suck or be amazing kind of hinges on the storyline being good or bad.

by Ghostbuster-Adem

16 years, 5 months ago

Any new information on the “up coming” movie? I havn't really heard anything except for repeted statements as of late.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

This is great GB3 news because the Imdb says that filming will began in 2009 for a 2010 release and GB3 will be here in 2010 and that's Wonderful GB3 news. It says it in all of the GB3 info. 2010 release for GB3 in 2010 and GB3 will be a live-action movie and not a CGI movie and I'm glad.

On the Imdb it says that Ghostbusters 3 will be released in Theaters in 2010 and filming will began in 2009 with the Orignal 4 GB's Training a new team to help them out. It sounds Wonderful and very Cool. The new writers will be using Dan's Hellbent script and that is also Wonderful to. In 2010 GB3 is going to kick major ass at the Theater in 2010 and I can't wait to see GB3 in 2010. The Imdb also says that Sony is making another sequel to the Gb Franchise and that's Awesome! Hang on tight GB Fans because GB3 is coming and it will be a #1 Hit at the box office in 2010.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

On the Imdb it says that Ghostbusters 3 will be released in Theaters in 2010 and filming will began in 2009 with the Orignal 4 GB's Training a new team to help them out. It sounds Wonderful and very Cool. The new writers will be using Dan's Hellbent script and that is also Wonderful to. In 2010 GB3 is going to kick major ass at the Theater in 2010 and I can't wait to see GB3 in 2010. The Imdb also says that Sony is making another sequel to the Gb Franchise and that's Awesome! Hang on tight GB Fans because GB3 is coming and it will be a #1 Hit at the box office in 2010.