New Ghostbusters 3 Script Topic(POST HERE!)

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129078
On the Imdb it says that Ghostbusters 3 will be released in Theaters in 2010 and filming will began in 2009 with the Orignal 4 GB's Training a new team to help them out. It sounds Wonderful and very Cool. The new writers will be using Dan's Hellbent script and that is also Wonderful to. In 2010 GB3 is going to kick major ass at the Theater in 2010 and I can't wait to see GB3 in 2010. The Imdb also says that Sony is making another sequel to the Gb Franchise and that's Awesome! Hang on tight GB Fans because GB3 is coming and it will be a #1 Hit at the box office in 2010.

Might've made it less obvious that you're not trying to annoy people had you not posted nearly the exact same thing less than an hour ago in this same thread, and three others.

Please stop dude. It's always nice to have more GB fans around to discuss stuff with, but you're just posting the same stuff over and over again, and not listening to any explanations being thrown back your way.

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129076
The new writers will be using Dan's Hellbent script and that is also Wonderful to.

Since when? This is the first I've heard such a claim.

by matthew1

16 years, 5 months ago

I highly doubt that the new writers would be rewriting Aykroyds Hellbent script. My gut feeling is that Sony have approached these two writers and have asked them to write a script which has the feel of the first two movies while at the same time introduces some new ghostbusters for possible future sequels. Personally I don't want new Ghostbusters. If a third is made I'd like it to star the originals and to be the last of the series.

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 5 months ago

I highly doubt that the new writers would be rewriting Aykroyds Hellbent script. My gut feeling is that Sony have approached these two writers and have asked them to write a script which has the feel of the first two movies while at the same time introduces some new ghostbusters for possible future sequels. Personally I don't want new Ghostbusters. If a third is made I'd like it to star the originals and to be the last of the series.

Agreed with Matt over here… but the new Ghostbusters idea is on to who they will cast for the new man in gray, who are they gonna pass the torch… that´s my doubt about a third GB movie.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

Yes I am right because I told all of you guys before that GB3 is coming then you called me names. Then you said that GB3 is the videogame and it isn't and see I was right about it and I'm also right about GB3 being a live-action movie. The Imdb wouldn't lie and neither would I because I'm happy that GB3 will be a live-action movie and not a CGI movie so look who's right all along ME! Trust the Imdb and trust me to because we are telling all of you the truth GB3 in 2010 and filming will began in 2009. In many reports GB3 is a GO and that's Wonderful! In 2 years we will finally get a GB3 and the 4 orignal GB's will be in the new movie training a new team to help them out and the movie is going to Rock Big Time in 2010 at the Theater! I gave you guys the address to the Imdb and check it out because it's saying the samething that I'm saying the movie is going to happen!

by GBRob

16 years, 5 months ago


You said GBIII was going to be CGI and they were going to release the trailer at SDCC.

So you are NOT right all along about it being live action.

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129183
Yes I am right because I told all of you guys before that GB3 is coming then you called me names.

Repeatedly posting “Ghostbusters 3 will happen” ad nauseum in no way whatsoever makes you right. Mostly because the film, should it happen, hasn't been released yet…

You claiming that Ghostbusters 3 was going to be made is like someone claiming it's going to rain next week. If it rains, then they were proved right by a extremely lucky guess… but that doesn't mean they actually knew prior to making the claim that it was going to happen.

And the sheer fact, as Rob pointed out, that until this newest rumor came along that you were claiming it was going to be CGI, and that a trailer would be shown at Comic Con prooves beyond a shadow of a doubt you were absolutely wrong, and that now you're changing your story to fit the newest rumor.

I am giving you a warning now, if I see a post similar to the one you've made in this topic which is a variation of what you've said above, or a similar post in any other threads devoted to Ghostbusters 3 I will discuss your conduct with the other moderators as your actions could be seen as nothing more than trolling. Are we understood? If this behavior continues you will almost surely be banned.

I'd also like to request other members to ignore Ghostbusters3will rock's Ghostbusters 3 diatribes because in the end, telling him to stop only really seems to provoke him further where he then keeps repeating what he said and also resorts to hurling obscenities at anyone he's arguing with.

by rodie1

16 years, 5 months ago


There is no u. Damn Brits.

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

I know, I don't know why I added that extra ‘u’.

by WSNProductions

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129183
Yes I am right because I told all of you guys before that GB3 is coming then you called me names. Then you said that GB3 is the videogame and it isn't and see I was right about it and I'm also right about GB3 being a live-action movie. The Imdb wouldn't lie and neither would I because I'm happy that GB3 will be a live-action movie and not a CGI movie so look who's right all along ME! Trust the Imdb and trust me to because we are telling all of you the truth GB3 in 2010 and filming will began in 2009. In many reports GB3 is a GO and that's Wonderful! In 2 years we will finally get a GB3 and the 4 orignal GB's will be in the new movie training a new team to help them out and the movie is going to Rock Big Time in 2010 at the Theater! I gave you guys the address to the Imdb and check it out because it's saying the samething that I'm saying the movie is going to happen!

This is some kind of spam, just look at the patterns in his posts.