New Ghostbusters 3 Script Topic(POST HERE!)

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

This is some kind of spam, just look at the patterns in his posts.

Way to pay attention to the rest of the thread… we're all aware.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

All of you guys are jerks on this board. I'm telling all of you guys the truth about the Imdb and GB3 a live-action movie. You guys are stupid aholes and FJerks so take a Fhike all of you. The movie is coming in 2010 and all of you stupid jerks will feel very stupid because I'm right and you are wrong very wrong! I don't care if you don't b elive me because I'm telling all of you the truth and the Imdb is also telling alll of you the truth too. Belive what yoiu want I don't care because your rude stupid jerks on this board. when GB3 comes in 2010 the movie will kick your asses and I will be laughing very hard in your faces!

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

All of you guys are jerks on this board. I'm telling all of you guys the truth about the Imdb and GB3 a live-action movie. You guys are stupid aholes and FJerks so take a Fhike all of you. The movie is coming in 2010 and all of you stupid jerks will feel very stupid because I'm right and you are wrong very wrong! I don't care if you don't b elive me because I'm telling all of you the truth and the Imdb is also telling alll of you the truth too. Belive what yoiu want I don't care because your rude stupid jerks on this board. when GB3 comes in 2010 the movie will kick your asses and I will be laughing very hard in your faces!

Why would I lie about GB3 being a live-action movie? You guys are liars because all of you were saying that GB3 is the videogame and it isn't so look who feels stupid now not me but you! The Imdb wouldn't lie and neither would I because I know better then that you guys don't! A live-action movie is a lot better then CGI and I'm very Happy about that. Filming will began in 2009 for a 2010 release because that's the Imdb sayd and GB3 gas already been green-lighted to make because the Info is right there. You guys are just plain stupid! I'm not stupid because I know better then that. GB3 will kick your ass because I'm right and your wrong so in 2010 GB3 is coming and all of you assholes will feel very stupid and I will be laughing very hard in your face!

by GBRob

16 years, 5 months ago

Ok, that's what your problem is going on forums and telling everyone “your right and they're wrong”. And calling us assholes. Wow.

Don't be surprised if your banned. I won't be.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

Ok, that's what your problem is going on forums and telling everyone “your right and they're wrong”. And calling us assholes. Wow.

Don't be surprised if your banned. I won't be.

Dude, just listen to Kingpin… let the mods take care of it. This behavior won't be around very long.

I'd also like to request other members to ignore Ghostbusters3will rock's Ghostbusters 3 diatribes because in the end, telling him to stop only really seems to provoke him further where he then keeps repeating what he said and also resorts to hurling obscenities at anyone he's arguing with.

by GBRob

16 years, 5 months ago

Good call.

Won't even respond or talk about him as it gives him attention.

by heslimedme251

16 years, 5 months ago

wait….no….i get it now!

GB3 will be a live-action cause it's already been greenlitted everybody! it's gonna be better than CGI because it's live action and they're gonna use the GB2 logo with 3 fingers cause then it'll be GB3 because there are 3 fingers and it's not CGI it's live action…and i know because he knows and so does IMDB and why would I lie about this guys?


wait, can we not ban me? i mean…it wasn't my fault, it just popped in there!

by WSNProductions

16 years, 5 months ago

Doctor Venkman;129229
Way to pay attention to the rest of the thread… we're all aware.

I'm aware that you have too much time on your hands to snap at me when i haven't done anything wrong but miss a few posts. Calm down man.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

I'm aware that you have too much time on your hands to snap at me when i haven't done anything wrong but miss a few posts. Calm down man.

Who's snapping? I was pointing out that we had been talking about the kid for a solid few pages… not a few posts. I'm perfectly calm, thanks.

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

I'm aware that you have too much time on your hands to snap at me when i haven't done anything wrong but miss a few posts. Calm down man.

Nitpicking like that doesn't help anything. I know that Dan (Venkman) can sometimes seem abrasive, but he doesn't go out of his way to be nasty. It isn't an unfair assumption to believe that most people have become aware of Patrick because of his antics.

Patrick, posting two posts, on immediately after the other is usually frowned upon on messageboards. Please edit your latest post if nobody else has replied rather than creating a new one straight after the existing one.