New Ghostbusters 3 Script Topic(POST HERE!)

by batman2

16 years, 6 months ago

Oh! No does this mean Patrick was right….?

Maybe all his pestering paid off with comments all over the net.

by IgnatzKaspir

16 years, 6 months ago

I just discovered this article from Google News, which was the first thing I read about any new movie:

But Reuters is calling it a “reboot”. Is it going to truly be a sequel, or will it be something like Batman Begins was? The article goes on to say: “Some original cast members might be involved, but not in central roles.” Would a reboot work for the franchise? I don't know what to think of it at this point, but I'm just happy to see this news of a possible new GB film.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 6 months ago

Oh! No does this mean Patrick was right….?

Maybe all his pestering paid off with comments all over the net.

No, it doesn't. People like Patrick go around repeating that another movie is coming everyday of his life to people so that when someone finally decides to make another movie a decade or two down the line, as the case here, then he can go around and gloat saying that he was right all along.

And finally to quote castewar:
A new script - not a new movie. One does not mean the other is inevitable.

by Kingpin

16 years, 6 months ago

Oh! No does this mean Patrick was right….?

Maybe all his pestering paid off with comments all over the net.

It means nothing.

If a third film comes out of it, the only thing he and his cohorts can claim is that they blanketed the forum with their comments so much they might get one or two within the same month as this news.

But as this hasn't progressed to Ghostbusters 3 yet, they can claim nothng as so far none of the things they claimed have come to pass, there was no trailer at SDCC that went to youtube, there's no CGI film, Ben Stiller isn't involved.

In fact, this actually goes to completely undermine everything they've been saying for the whole of July. :-) They were so convinced a third film was already in the can, and with the Variety report, it's barely even out of the scripting stage.

And there's no guarentee yet that a third film will happen.

So yeah, I'm not changing my stance on Ghostbusters 3 anytime soon.

So yeah, let's not loose ourselves… if, by an intriguing twist of fate a movie comes out of this, it'll probably be mid 2010 at the earliest that it'd be out.

by lozbloke

16 years, 6 months ago

ok, we've been taunted to the moon and back with rumours for years and I have always maintained (and still do) that Ill believe it when it comes from the lips of Columbia/Sony. Ive even resisted the most recent rumours from the likes of Digital Spy etc etc

However, with more news reports coming from the more credible likes of Variety, AFP and Reuters as well as broadsheet newspapers (such as the UK's The Guardian) - this seems to be the closest so far weve been to a sequel being in the works.

While I still stand by my waiting for Columbia/Sony's official statement, I would be lying if I said I wasnt keeping a keen eye on the news!!

Fingers crossed guys! nuff said!

by lozbloke

16 years, 6 months ago

sorry had to just add that even the BBC News has announced the story

by IgnatzKaspir

16 years, 6 months ago

Now I know there have been many rumors about another GB film over the years, so I can understand some skepticism. But I haven't followed any of these rumors too closely. Have there seriously been many rumors over the years reported by so many news sources, including even Reuters, such as is the case with this brand new rumor? If anyone can prove to me that previous rumors have gotten as much buzz in the news as this one, then perhaps I'll become a fellow skeptic, but if not, then you can count me in the camp of those who believe this GB film is really going to happen.

I mean, in the very least, I think we all can rest assured that the game is going to happen, and can anyone think of anything as big as the game from the GB franchise since maybe EGB? I think this could definitely be it, guys. The buzz created by the game makes perfect sense as a cause for serious interest from Sony in a new movie.

by batman2

16 years, 6 months ago

sorry had to just add that even the BBC News has announced the story

“Columbia Pictures has declined to comment on whether a third Ghostbusters was in development, Variety reported.

But director John Landis, who worked with Aykroyd on The Blues Brothers and Trading Places, has said the film would definitely be made.

”I'm not involved but I know it's happening,“ he told the BBC News website at the Venice Film Festival.”

Sweet, hopes starting to rise on my PKE meter.

by Ectofiend

16 years, 6 months ago

*The only two articles I'm believing in any sense of the term are the “Variety” and the “BBC”…They seem to have insight into what the project is going for/could become, as where the others just want to continually fan the rumor that the “Apatow” crew or whatever rubbish are going to be in a “reboot” and pan to the “oh-so-trendy” Hollywood “remake brigade” who constantly feel the need to “update” older franchises in order to suppossedly “make them relevant to today's audiences”…

*To which I find HIGHLY INSULTING, and quite laughable at the same time…Hollywood just can't seem to leave “well-enough” alone…Last I heard they were not only remaking “A Nightmare On Elm Street”, but “Poltergeist”, “Night of the Demons”, “Child's Play”, and “Robocop” as well, with “Friday The 13th” about in the can, with a 2009 release date…

*That said Ghostbusters has stood the test of time…Once can watch it, or even GBII to some extent, and not come away from it being like "this is soooo ‘80’s“…You can't same the same for movies like ”Police Academy“, ”Beverly Hills Cop“, ”Lethal Weapon“ or ”Short Circuit“ can you? I say, if the ”Terminator“, ”Indiana Jones“, ”Rambo“, and ”Rocky" franchises can get sequels PROPER, even DECADES after the prior installments, then Ghostbusters can, and DESERVES a “III” PROPER, and NOT a “reboot/re-imagining”…The latter is just damn lazy on Hollywood's part IMHO…

*I for one don't want “streamlined proton packs” and a “Chrysler” for an Ecto…I don't want “fart” and “penis” jokes every five seconds…I don't want half-assed “homages” to the original actor's portrayals of the characters…I want the REAL DEAL…And while the “Variety” and “BBC” articles do hold up hope for that type of scenario , age of the actors, their willingness to return, bad script writing, and inflated egos/percentage cuts are all the enemy…

*So, I'm ending this rant with - “I'll believe it when I see it”…I, not unlike other veteran members here have “been there, done that”…


by Ectofiend

16 years, 6 months ago

Ignatz Kaspir Wrote:
I think this could definitely be it, guys. The buzz created by the game makes perfect sense as a cause for serious interest from Sony in a new movie.
*Well that and:

-The Market research that led to the game's creation.
-The pre-orders of said game.
-The public outcry as to the game loosing it's publisher.
-The “TvShowsOnDvd” poll that led to Time Life and The RGB set.
-YouTube and the MANY GB videos, half of which SONY yanked.
-Fan-Sites like ours.

*Let's face it - If it weren't for the internet, this probably would still be sitting on the back-burner …If it weren't for the “technological age”, and said “market research” guys and gals doing their homework at the click of a mouse, we'd probably have ZILCH…

*At least that's my theory…
