New Ghostbusters 3 Script Topic(POST HERE!)

by lozbloke

16 years, 6 months ago

I find the “Columbia Pictures have declined to comment” one of the most interesting parts. When studios have said this against other movie news in the past, it often means that a press statement hasnt been prepared yet. They obviously had their chance to yet again announce the story as BS, but this time have declind saying anything.

I would say, with the bigger than ever hoohar surrounding this, including stories running in credible news sites such as the BBC and Reuters, that an official yay or nay would be expected shortly before the rumours get too out of hand (if they are just that).

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 6 months ago

Well, this is both exciting… and odd. With different writers? Not sure if I'm positive they can do the right thing with the script (and I do like The Office). I dunno. This needs to marinate a bit more before I can fully grasp what's going on.

by fixer791

16 years, 6 months ago

Doctor Venkman;128228
This needs to marinate a bit more before I can fully grasp what's going on.

Same here…

Strange days, these…

by Ectofiend

16 years, 6 months ago

Doctor Venkman Wrote:
With different writers? Not sure if I'm positive they can do the right thing with the script (and I do like The Office). I dunno.
*I tend to agree with him on this subject:

Matthew Wrote:

But why Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg? Why not Aykroyd and Ramis? Well, when you really think about it why should Sony allow Akroyd and ramis to write it? The script for Ghostbusters II which was written by Ramis and Aykroyd was poor and in my opinion the premise for Aykroyds Hellbent script sounded like something I'd seen before and didn't really exite me or interest me.
*Having said that, Dan's “Hellbent” script, when you think about it, is not unlike the script for the first film - Unpolished, lacking direction, too much stuff going on concurrently, characters undifferentiated, a projected budget the size of Europe - It took Harold and Ivan's input before we got the film that we cherish today…They brought it “down-to-earth” so-to-speak…

*But that does not mean that said GBIII script did not royally blow IMHO…“Lou-Sifler” or whatever?! Sounded like one of the crappier RGB episodes…Though the “positive/negative” slant was interesting…

*And yes, I do think that while it's a great film, and a half-way worthy sequel, GBII was lacking in soooo many ways, but I've already expressed that in other threads…

*Maybe - And I'll be labeled a heretic I know this - Just Maybe, it needs a fresh shot in the arm from a different set of writers…Not a fricking “reboot” or “reimagining”…Just a fresh set of eyes working within the confines of the world that the previous writers created…With Dan and Harold's input of course…Maybe then we'll get a sequel that doesn't dissappoint on any level…And “third times the charm” eh?…

*I mean Harold and Dan didn't write any of the first two seasons of RGB , and those first two seasons were GREAT…Expanded on the mythos, kept it grounded , sillyness was kept to a minimum, adult-themed subject matter , fleshed out the characters more…All without Dan or Harold…

*Now, in closing, having said all of that, if “The Office” is all I have to go on for those writer's particular workload, I'm not 100% sure if those are the two to go with…I barely like said show, and even though it's FILLED with dry humor , I'm not sure if they can pull off “Ghostbusters”-style dry humor properly…

*Though I've been proven wrong before…


by rodie1

16 years, 6 months ago

*And yes, I do think that while it's a great film, and a half-way worthy sequel, GBII was lacking in soooo many ways, but I've already expressed that in other threads…

I agree, I mean GB2 was not all that it could of been. True it is better than many films and sequels, though it pails in comparison to the original.

The Office is a great series and its humor is very different from that of Ghostbusters. That doesn't mean they couldn't pull it off. Hell, Harold Ramis directed a few episodes of it. People adapt their styles for what they are working on and if anyone has heard the premise of Year One which they also wrote, it sounds much different then The Office. Plus a script is just that - a script. Their will probably be rewrites and touch ups IF it does get a greenlight. Not to mention the director - whoever it turns out to be would have a good amount of input too.

I just think its odd that Aykroyd and Ramis just wrote the script for the game and they are looking at other writers to do the movie.

I do agree that it is very good that Columbia is showing interest in the franchise. I mean we've been burned so many times, hopefully this will turn into something good. The sad fact is though that this is all probably moot. I mean this is like the 4,932,053rd Ghostbusters 3 has been “moving forward.” I hope they make it just so we don't have to hear so many damn rumors.

by Yourbigpalal83

16 years, 6 months ago

Well, pulling off the dry humor and reponses isnt really up to the script writers, more up to the actors. Also, im sure since dan is the creator of the whole ghostbusters universe, he will have SOME say in the matter of what goes in, whats good, whats not, etc.

But all the guys have proven themseleves as great comedic actors in the past, and even if given a lackluster script (as ghostbusters 2 was, no doubt, on the siskel and ebert review, they said the film felt like a first draft of a script) they still excelled into it.

I think sony wants to get away from another repeat of GB2, meaning i doubt they want to rehash the same old stuff YET AGAIN. Ghostbusters 2, as much as i love it, it IS a carbon copy of the first film, just change villians, and mr stay puff for the statue of liberty.

The game? idk cause no one has played the game yet, but, im going on what ive read, that its EVOLVING the story line. Bringing in the new recrute, bringing back goser, etc because those are elements the fans would want to play within the confines of the game.

this new film, IF it gets made, which, i really want it to be made, but i just dont see it happening, IF its made, it has to take place in modern times. So, right there, gives the ghostbusters new challenges. New tools to play with. I highly doubt the ghostbusters wouldent have made more enhansements or completly new equiptment by now.

Hell, with all todays technology, id love to see what the ghostbusters could make out of a cell phone, laptop, etc.

Kinda a GHOSTBUSTERS UPGRADE if you will. Story wise…I guess you could still work in the whole hell concept, but refine it.

I posted a while back my concept for a modern 3th film, and i think the biggest complant ppl has was i left the ghostbusters in hell, which was an Homage to the end of the first film, were they crossed the streams, expecting to die, but lived, but that dident go over so well with the fans, cause they viewed it as i KILLED THEM OFF..

which i dident, i just left open room for a 4th film, have them RETURN from hell.

But, that said and done, i think if ghostbusters 3 is ever to be made…it should EVOLVE the storyline. Acording to GB the game, the ghostbusters are begining to branch out and form a franchise in 1991, why not 20 years later, there a nation wide franchise? They could still work in my whole ARMY of ghostbusters concept into the film.

It be a great tribute to the fans. Maby even have the fans sign up to play extras within the film itself.

Just think of that possability. Lets say, in a perfect world, the movie is greenlit, deals are made, etc. The game comes out before hand, acts as the in between story, sells millions of copies, and sony will do anything to get a 3th film made and greenlights it.

Next comic con, or at comic cons across america (or the world), fans in coustumes could regrester to play ghostbusting extras within the film itself, all that is required is that they bring there own costume equiptment, etc.

They go down, shoot there scenes, and a year later, see themseleves, busting ghosts along side there heroes in the films climax. TO me, that would be the best possable thing sony could do for us fans.

It also give weight to the numerous ghostbusting fan films and groups nation wide, kind of making them offical.

In star wars fandom, there was a group of fans who dressed up as imperial stormtroopers and called themselves the 501st. It was such a large group of fans, lucas made vaders stormtroopers known as the “Fighting 501st” to honor the fans.

Ghostbusters should do the same thing for its fans, who in my view, DESERVE this.

This is, all of course, IF THE MOVIE EVER GETS MADE which i severly want, but based on past experences, will be suprised if this ever sees the light of day.

by nickonline

16 years, 6 months ago

From Chud:

Going back to the well decades later has been proven again and again
to be trouble. I already know the trajectory of this one: grumbling,
some hope thanks to good casting, a leaked script review that will
give more hope but only because the reviewer doesn't know what he's
talking about/is a plant, a set visit where nerds like me get swayed
simply because we're touching proton packs and talking to guys in
Ghostbusters outfits and then the eventual release, where we'll all
spend a weekend convincing ourselves it wasn't terrible before finally
admitting that yeah, it sucked dick. It's called The Crystal Skull

I think that's hilarious, and probably spot on. But who knows?

by Bativac

16 years, 6 months ago

Bizdog, I agree with that guy. I love Ghostbusters as much as everyone here but sometimes it is better to leave things alone. Ghostbusters II was the first time I can remember being disappointed in a movie (I was all of 10 years old and in line on opening day) and I would hate for that to happen again.

I can see them coming up with decent ideas. A coworker and I just talked about story ideas, like a rival ghostbusting firm that turns out to be a front for a cult collecting ectoplasmic energy to raise some of the old ones, or the old team recruiting college interns and going on some globetrotting Ghostbusting adventure incorporating stuff like the Headless Horseman and the Hound of the Baskervilles. That kind of stuff could be interesting. But “Ghostbusters come back, bust ghosts, fight super evil ghost, save the day” would just be a tired retread.

The script would have to be funny and Ramis, Aykroyd and Murray would have to remember what made their weird characters so funny in the first movie – Ghostbusters' humor definitely came out of the characters moreso than the lines, whereas a lot of comedy today is based on over-the-top goofy characters or gross-out jokes.

I dunno. I'll believe it when I'm sitting in a theater on opening night. I hope if they decide to do it, it's more than just a money grab.

by gbusterchick68841

16 years, 6 months ago

I just heard it on my local news at noon. They headlined the story as ‘Who ya Gonna Call’ and made a decent deal about it. If it makes local news stations….I'm so excited….this better be true!!!

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 6 months ago

Well, this is the best news/rumour to the date (just after the videogame news back in November)… and the “decline to comment” thing, gives it the interesting touch.

And the writers/coproducers of The Office on it, it´s a great idea… I found The Office as the best tv series ever. But Aykroyd/Ramis writing participation will be missed.

I´ll hold my breath, remember, there are always a Bill Murray to let us down.