New Ghostbusters 3 Script Topic(POST HERE!)

by GBSales

16 years, 6 months ago

Right on the homepage of click the entertainment tab.

by Sp9543

16 years, 6 months ago

It's so crazy how this tidbit of information has exploded all over the Internet. The public wants more Ghostbusters and they want it now!

by GB3

16 years, 6 months ago

I'm stoked and hope this will really happen. I agree and think new writers were chosen to bring in new blood to the franchise creatively. I've also no doubt that Ramis and Ackroyd will have input into the new film. Maybe they'll be the executive producers, producers or creative consultants? Kinda like how Leonard Nimoy was entrusted to such a position on Star Trek VI. Yeah you gotta wonder whose gonna direct it? Maybe Ramis or bring Ivan Reitman back? Or as he stated in the past GB3 developments that he'd only produce. Anyway he can still be involved will be great. I agree with another poster if the cast is reunited then maybe they'll be given the chances to adlib lines. This might be the only way we may see the old “naturalness” of the other two movies. It was the characters. Hopefully they'll get as many of the cast members, like Potts, Weaver etc. They can all still be given cameos. I still wonder if we'll see any elements from the old GB3 script. I think the negative/positive NYC was a good idea. Again like someone else said it really should be original story. And if anyone can remember from RGB & EGB cartoon stories, the possibilities are endless. To me besides Dan & Harold as GB writers of choice I'd have to recommend J. Micheal Strazynski as the only other top choice to write. But hopefully these guys from the Office can pull it off. The cast needs to agree to the script too and hopefully Bill Murray won't be a problem. I mean didn't his divorce almost clean him out? Maybe this is why its being allowed to be in development?
I agree that the hoopla from the video game, RGB cartoon dvds, the last 4 years of GB comic releases (I know only 2 minis), GB Return novel, all led to the motion. And maybe the 25th anniversary was something too. I do doubt the new movie, if it comes along will even make it out for next year. We've had Indy Jones 4, Die Hard 4, Rocky 6, Rambo 4, Terminator 3, Croc Dundee 3 made (with varying degrees of success). Then theres rumors of Lethal Weapon 5 and Beverly Hill Cop 4 and a remake of Robocop. Its time for Ghostbusters to make a comeback. Just getting one more movie, I'm happy. I hope it all works out and we get a great film and am glad it ain't a remake. But I still wouldn't be surprised if the old cast only has supporting roles. I question at thier age how involved physically they'll be in on the action though.

by Ectofiend

16 years, 6 months ago

*Two comments on this page - - Almost PERFECTLY describe how I feel about all of this hoopla:

Back to the subversive nature of the first one. Give me steak with a sweet brown sauce, not a gross of twizzle stix please. Get in deep with Aykroyd. Story Story Story above all Story.

If they were to say that were going to take a similar concept as Ghostbusters and revitalize it, I think it could work, but if you are taking a classic franchise and characters that so many people have grown up on and just make a third for money's sake, I think you are making a big mistake. And I'm sorry, I like Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen is okay, but I don't want them anywhere near this. I don't want to see 40 Year Old Virgins with Proton Packs.

*And guys like this need to be shot:

No matter what, a sequel is needed!! Too many fans have been waiting for this. Nay-sayers need not apply. It's not like Hollywood is coming up with anything brilliant or fresh these days!! ( indy , batman, terminator, etc.) MAKE A SEQUEL, PASS THE TORCH ON, AND MAKE ANOTHER SEQUEL… Don't threaten me with a good time!!!!!!!!!

*Another a**hole on the “sequel for sequels sake” bandwagon, without any regard to a good story, character chemistry, canon, or anything else central to the PROPER development of the film…

*Sorry - But that's how I feel…


by batman2

16 years, 6 months ago

I just hope they don't have the Toy companies telling them what they should include in the film so they can sell the toys.

I just hate it when Fast food companies and Toy Manufacturers get to influence a film, that is why they flop.

Yes ther was some slime in Ghostbusters, but then you are given overload of it in GBII, I still believe there was all that slime in GBII because some toy manufacturer saw profit in it.

I hope whatever direction they go with the next film they just do it well.

by lozbloke

16 years, 6 months ago

Just thought Id post this little bit of info from the Chicago Tribune

'Busters not afraid of sequel

Chicagoan Harold Ramis told the Tribune on Friday that a third “Ghostbusters” movie is finally in the works.

Columbia Pictures has hired Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky, Ramis' writing partners on his upcoming comedy “Year One,” to supply the script. Judd Apatow and his stable of actors (Seth Rogen? James Franco?) may be involved, along with originals: Ramis, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson and perhaps even Bill Murray, long thought to be a hold-out.

“According to Dan, Bill Murray is willing to be involved on some level,” Ramis wrote in an e-mail. “He did record his dialogue for the new Ghostbusters video game, as did Danny and I and Ernie Hudson.

”The concept is that the old Ghostbusters would appear in the film in some mentor capacity. Not much else to say at this point. Everyone is confident a decent script can be written, and I guess we'll take it from there."

This is the link -,0,3728009.story

by Ectofiend

16 years, 6 months ago

*Yikes - Just as I feared…I guess Harold is just that afraid of the treadmill (*egon)…

*Much like the late ‘90’s rumors, I guess we'll be gearing up for “EGB:The Movie” after all (*janine)…

*At least we got the game for one last “oldschool romp”…


by GBSales

16 years, 6 months ago

2 other pretty big sites have reported on it. Let's hope this time it is true and it really does get enough traction.

by Kojak

16 years, 6 months ago

Guys,……….something big is on the horizon!

by destinationzack1

16 years, 6 months ago