New Ghostbusters 3 Script Topic(POST HERE!)

by castewar1

16 years, 6 months ago

Websites, no matter how big they are, reporting what another site said, doesn't make the story any more or less likely. It just means they are too lazy to dig for their own confirmations.

by lozbloke

16 years, 6 months ago

I agree, the info is likely to just be a copy/paste job from website to website.

I have to say, and Ive been around since the GB3 rumour mill began all those years ago, that something smells different this time, dont know why, just a gut feeling.

by matthew1

16 years, 6 months ago

The first thing to say about this is that Ghostbusters III has not been confirmed. Columbia Pictures have simply hired two writers to write a script for it. Columbia are simply considering a sequel and looking into how it could work and what the possibilities are. If the writers that they have hired manage to come up with an exceptional script then Columbia will probably take the next step and try to sign Ramis, Aykroyd, Hudson, Potts and last but certainly not least, Murray.

Signing Ramis, Aykroyd, Hudson and Potts will not be a problem for Columbia pictures. In fact, they've wanted to make a third Ghostbusters movie for years. The problem, as most people are aware, is Murray. Murray has said in the past that he does not like making sequels (even if he voiced the lasagne loving cat again in the sequel to Garfield). Murray was also probably disappointed at how Ghostbusters II turned and doesn't want to take the risk at making the same mistake twice. He has also said in the past that he only works on things that he know's he's going to enjoy doing. So, in other words, Murray is a difficult man to get hold of. Columbia Pictures are well aware of this spanner in the works and they have obviously had the sensible notion that if they approach Murray with an impressive script then he's far more likely to agree on making Ghostbusters III.

I just hope the writers do a good job. It's almost universally agreed that we do not want to see a new team of Ghostbusters. We want to see the original actors come back as the stars of the film. Dr Egon Spengler, Dr Ray Stanz, Dr Peter Venkman and Winston Zeddmore. We do not want to see them working alongside or playing second fiddle to a new group of characters. Many people have said that Murray, Aykroyd, Hudon and Ramis are too old and in particular that Ramis is now too fat to star in another sequel. All I can say to that is that you can never be too old or too fat for comedy. In fact, the older the better and the fatter the better! It will only add to the laughs. This IS a comedy after all not a beauty pageant.

I hope that the writers come up with something imaginative and original for Ghostbusters III since Ghostbusters II was almost scene for scene a weak copycat of the original. If they can engineer a script which is totally original and funny then this movie will be good. Just how good it will be is anyones guess.

The movie also needs to leave certain things well alone. Firstly the title. Call it Ghostbusters III. Plain and simple. No extra titles attached to it thankyou very much. I don't want to see “Ghostbusters III: Back in business” or anything like that. Just call it Ghostbusters III. Nice and simple!

Next, the logo. Do not touch this under any circumstances! You just don't mess with perfection. After some research done by Terminal Reality (the makers of the upcoming video game) the Ghostbusters no ghost logo was recently recognised as the second most recognisable logo in the world, the first being Coca Cola. The Ghostbusters do not need to change the no ghost logo. It was pointlessly changed for Ghostbusters II which was in my opinion sacrilege!

The third thing they must do is bring back Elmer Bernsteins score from the original movie. It is a truly fantastic score and is probably one of the most underrated scores of all time. Bring it back and employ an experienced composer to rework it for the new movie.

The movie also has the most catchy theme tune ever written. Ray Parker Juniors Ghostbusters theme is a masterpeice! I'd like to see him rework it (only slightly) so that it sounds up to date and I'd also like to see it released it the charts to coincide with the release of the movie.

The Ghostbusters firehouse, the Ecto, jumpsuits and ghost catching equipment from the original all need to be in there which gos without saying.

Another thing to say is that Ghostbusters III must not rely on cgi to try to sell itself. It's all about the characters and the story, the jargon filled dialogue and the funny wisecracks. Personally I'd like to see the kind of special effects which mix puppetry with computer generated effects. I think it looks better and it will make the movie feel like more of a genuine sequel.

If Ghostbusters III has all these ingedients included, if it stars the original cast and a good script is written for it then I have no doubt that it will be both a commercial hit and more importantly a movie which is liked by critics and fans alike.

by Kojak

16 years, 6 months ago

The first thing to say about this is that Ghostbusters III has not been confirmed. Columbia Pictures have simply hired two writers to write a script for it. Columbia are simply considering a sequel and looking into how it could work and what the possibilities are. If the writers that they have hired manage to come up with an exceptional script then Columbia will probably take the next step and try to sign Ramis, Aykroyd, Hudson, Potts and last but certainly not least, Murray.

Signing Ramis, Aykroyd, Hudson and Potts will not be a problem for Columbia pictures. In fact, they've wanted to make a third Ghostbusters movie for years. The problem, as most people are aware, is Murray. Murray has said in the past that he does not like making sequels (even if he voiced the lasagne loving cat again in the sequel to Garfield). Murray was also probably disappointed at how Ghostbusters II turned and doesn't want to take the risk at making the same mistake twice. He has also said in the past that he only works on things that he know's he's going to enjoy doing. So, in other words, Murray is a difficult man to get hold of. Columbia Pictures are well aware of this spanner in the works and they have obviously had the sensible notion that if they approach Murray with an impressive script then he's far more likely to agree on making Ghostbusters III.

I just hope the writers do a good job. It's almost universally agreed that we do not want to see a new team of Ghostbusters. We want to see the original actors come back as the stars of the film. Dr Egon Spengler, Dr Ray Stanz, Dr Peter Venkman and Winston Zeddmore. We do not want to see them working alongside or playing second fiddle to a new group of characters. Many people have said that Murray, Aykroyd, Hudon and Ramis are too old and in particular that Ramis is now too fat to star in another sequel. All I can say to that is that you can never be too old or too fat for comedy. In fact, the older the better and the fatter the better! It will only add to the laughs. This IS a comedy after all not a beauty pageant.

I hope that the writers come up with something imaginative and original for Ghostbusters III since Ghostbusters II was almost scene for scene a weak copycat of the original. If they can engineer a script which is totally original and funny then this movie will be good. Just how good it will be is anyones guess.

The movie also needs to leave certain things well alone. Firstly the title. Call it Ghostbusters III. Plain and simple. No extra titles attached to it thankyou very much. I don't want to see “Ghostbusters III: Back in business” or anything like that. Just call it Ghostbusters III. Nice and simple!

Next, the logo. Do not touch this under any circumstances! You just don't mess with perfection. After some research done by Terminal Reality (the makers of the upcoming video game) the Ghostbusters no ghost logo was recently recognised as the second most recognisable logo in the world, the first being Coca Cola. The Ghostbusters do not need to change the no ghost logo. It was pointlessly changed for Ghostbusters II which was in my opinion sacrilege!

The third thing they must do is bring back Elmer Bernsteins score from the original movie. It is a truly fantastic score and is probably one of the most underrated scores of all time. Bring it back and employ an experienced composer to rework it for the new movie.

The movie also has the most catchy theme tune ever written. Ray Parker Juniors Ghostbusters theme is a masterpeice! I'd like to see him rework it (only slightly) so that it sounds up to date and I'd also like to see it released it the charts to coincide with the release of the movie.

The Ghostbusters firehouse, the Ecto, jumpsuits and ghost catching equipment from the original all need to be in there which gos without saying.

Another thing to say is that Ghostbusters III must not rely on cgi to try to sell itself. It's all about the characters and the story, the jargon filled dialogue and the funny wisecracks. Personally I'd like to see the kind of special effects which mix puppetry with computer generated effects. I think it looks better and it will make the movie feel like more of a genuine sequel.

If Ghostbusters III has all these ingedients included, if it stars the original cast and a good script is written for it then I have no doubt that it will be both a commercial hit and more importantly a movie which is liked by critics and fans alike.

Yeah it would be really sweet if they included Bernsteins score, and also some of the spookier atmosphere of the first movie. Maybe they should hire Stallone as a personal trainer to get them back shape?

by Yourbigpalal83

16 years, 6 months ago

In my view, ghostbusters 2's score was a complete departure from it. Very cartoony. Hell, they were better musical notes in The real ghostbusters cartoon then in Ghostbusters 2.

Id get hanz zimmer or james horner to score GB3 myself.

Id also love to see them UPDATE the equiptment. Its 2008. We have alot more and better technology then we had back in 1984. Id just picture ray and egon tinkering with an Iphone and a laptop and night vision goggles and venkmen trying to sell some old stuff on ebay or somthing.

Im not saying completly redesign the equiptment. The proton packs have a half life of 5000 years, so i dont see the need for completly new equiptment, but acording to ghostbusters the video game, they have branched off into a franchise by now, (they would have had to) and well, there should be more then one team of ghostbusters by now. Now i know u guys hate the idea of a new team, i do as well, but i dont nessessary think that it would be a new team…BUT OTHER TEAMS of ghostbusters as well. And by now, id hate to say it but id guess the guys are aproaching there retirement years so…you have to take that into account.

The most important thing they do in the film is except the passage of time. There is no way this film can just simply pick up right after ghostbusters 2 and hope no one notices that everyones aged and the world has changed since then.

Also, the threat the ghostbusters have to face must be major. Maby be enough to bring them out of retirment if they have indeed retired. I could picture the film opening with another team of ghostbusters encountering some ghosts, they cant contain it, they dont know what to do, and WHO ARE YOU GOING TO CALL? thus brining back our boys into the fold for one more grand adventure.

These are the guys that founded the ghostbusters, these are the master ghostbusters, of course the other teams would turn to them when they need help.

Like i said, seth rogan and the new guys could be part of another team that needs the ghostbusters help. Id buy that. It would kill two birds with one stone, having at this point the narritive need and simple logic of other ghostbusters, but bringing back our boys and thus making them ever the stronger for it, story wise.

Also, keep with the classic comedy of long over technical jargen, and odd reaction, smart ass remarks and humor and suprise and excitement. this is another must. Dont change the humor thats been established by the boys, but EXPAND on it and EVOLVE it. All the ghostbusters in there own ways are nerds, egon and ray esp. There is far more nerd humor now then there was in 1983, keep it up to date. Maby Seth rogan's character (if hes in it in the first place) think hes some super tech nerd and that he's going to out jargen ray and egon with modern tech talk, only to have it backfire on him when ray and egon completly obliverate him with an even more technical response.

Or have another young ghostbuster trying to pick up some hot girl, and Peter swoops along and hits on her, and embarassed the wold be player. Keep a whole, THESE GUYS ARE THE MASTERS of there field thing going on. The young guys should think they can out due them, but fail at every oppertunity. But dont make it completly one sided eather..

by bigtwinkie2

16 years, 6 months ago

So long as the Ghostbusters don't go to hell. Sometimes I feel like the only guy in the world that didn't like that idea.

by theo1361

16 years, 6 months ago

Well I was just watching cops on G4 today and on the feed it said in the title I aint afraid of no ghost and that they are writting the script G4 usualy has credible info but im still not holding my breath im just stoked about the game

by slimer3881

16 years, 6 months ago

Something's just not sitting right with me, of all the dreaming that one day we'd get a 3rd installment of our beloved goof spook troupe, something tells me this is going to move forward and be a disaster. A script thats not even written by the creators themselves? Judd Apatow being involved?? He makes dumbed-down comedies that dont contain the sarcasm and wit that Ghostbusters is infamous for. All im saying is, somethings a miss. just thinkg back and remember Batman and Robin? Tim Burton made 2 very good Batman films, then the studio said ‘hey, this makes money, but we dont like Tim Burtons dark style, even though thats what Batman is, so lets give the creative input to this guy" and then pow! destruction.

Now dont get me wrong, the fanboy in me is doing backflips over hearing the news of a new film, and im happy that theres actually a bit of hope after 10 or so long years of day dreaming. But it just looks like its going into the wrong hands. But hey, the first film went through about 10 rewrites till they were happy, hell, the original idea was in outer space. So maybe Ramis and Aykroyd will tweak the finished script a little and give their special seasoning.

I’d still go and see it, no matter what, cause well its Ghostbusters. But something just tells me this isnt gonna be good. thats just my two cents.

But none the less, im still very excited and hope that a new film will be made, i know this whole post sounds contradictory, but Im just saying that im excited, but very worried at the same time.

by Kingpin

16 years, 6 months ago

If this thing goes anyway, like bigpal mentioned, I want the comedy to be intelligent.

The special effects of potential film could be fantastic, but if I see bodily function gags, drug jokes or over-the-top profanity just because they can get away with it, then sorry, but this is the wrong direction to take it in.

This type of ‘comedy’ is going to be dated in five years whereas the comedy of the existing films still remains fresh and relevant today, and I don't want to see my beloved franchise's style of wit and humor go the way of Epic Movie and Disaster Movie.

by batman2

16 years, 6 months ago

If this thing goes anyway, like bigpal mentioned, I want the comedy to be intelligent.

The special effects of potential fulm could be fantastic, but if I see bodily function gags, drug jokes or over-the-top profanity just because they can get away with it, then sorry, but this is the wrong direction to take it in.

This type of ‘comedy’ is going to be dated in five years whereas the comedy of the existing films still remains fresh and relevant today, and I don't want to see my beloved franchise's style of wit and humor go the way of Epic Movie and Disaster Movie.

Totally agree 100%

Also what I liked about the original film was that all there tech had that home made look about it, like it really could be done.

It has to be done seriously with the right amount of appropriate humour.

I also liked all the locations they used.