New Ghostbusters Game coming next spring!

by JamesCGamora

14 years ago

Looks like Janosz is back

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years ago

I saw the new gameplay footage over on protoncharging. And yes, I know I haven't played it myself yet, but I absolutely hate what they have done to the trapping element of a bust. I know I will still buy this on day one, and hopefully get some good friend co-op time, but it didn't even sound like the IGN reviewer was impressed.

EDIT: I just checked over on IGN and it's not being well received in the comments either. Too Bad. Atari will probably use this as an excuse not to make another video game.

by Helen8Ward

14 years ago

Wow!!!We are more than pleased to see Ghostbusters continue to thrive in the video game space with the upcoming release of Ghostbusters………

by Nix

14 years ago

Looks like Janosz is back

*sigh* First there was Vigo the Carpathian, then there was Voltar the Slime-Wizard, now it's a demon from the depths of hell…I guess PT Barnum was right–there's a sucker born every minute.

Here's hoping he gets slimed a third time.

by PeterVenkmen

14 years ago

I saw the new gameplay footage over on protoncharging. And yes, I know I haven't played it myself yet, but I absolutely hate what they have done to the trapping element of a bust. I know I will still buy this on day one, and hopefully get some good friend co-op time, but it didn't even sound like the IGN reviewer was impressed.

EDIT: I just checked over on IGN and it's not being well received in the comments either. Too Bad. Atari will probably use this as an excuse not to make another video game.

I think looks ok, but I don't really like the comic art panels.

by odyn1232

14 years ago

I saw the new gameplay footage over on protoncharging. And yes, I know I haven't played it myself yet, but I absolutely hate what they have done to the trapping element of a bust. I know I will still buy this on day one, and hopefully get some good friend co-op time, but it didn't even sound like the IGN reviewer was impressed.

EDIT: I just checked over on IGN and it's not being well received in the comments either. Too Bad. Atari will probably use this as an excuse not to make another video game.

The reason it's not so pretty and high graphics and all the goodness of Ghostbusters TVG……….. is because it's a Live Arcade game, not an $80 disc. I'm pretty sure they are just testing the water to see how this goes over.
Likewise, I am eagerly awaiting this game because it's Ghostbusters, but I also hold the hope that if this goes over well that another multi-platformer will be released.
Not to say that if it goes good they will make another one, just that usually is how it goes with games these days. :-)

by chriz

14 years ago

Also this is easier to do. Look at preview video. It's comic-book cut scenes. If they were cut-scenes like the last one everyone would expect the actors back for voices. That cost a lot of money last time. Why risk it?

I'm excited for this PSN game as it still looks fun.

by jpwhittlebred

14 years ago

Ok, I can see why they did it. My thing is, why the cuss can't they make it so we play with the originals? Why continue to focus on rookies? You have the OGBs in the cut scenes for God's sake!

by chriz

14 years ago

Ok, I can see why they did it. My thing is, why the cuss can't they make it so we play with the originals? Why continue to focus on rookies? You have the OGBs in the cut scenes for God's sake!

This I agree with 100%. I mean 4 players is confirmed and there was 4 originals. It makes sense.

by skankerzero

14 years ago

Ok, I can see why they did it. My thing is, why the cuss can't they make it so we play with the originals? Why continue to focus on rookies? You have the OGBs in the cut scenes for God's sake!

Because you would have to pay for likenesses.

The comic books are not likenesses.