New Ghostbusters RPG Under Construction

by awhitefire

23 years ago

Hi, I'm working on a personal GB project that I've chosen to entitle Ghostbusters d20. Basically it uses the d20 System by Wizards of the Coast, to create a new independent Ghostbusters RPG for public domain. I'm planning on using the material WOTC has termed Open Game Content which can be used by anyone as the basis for my game. It will require the D&D Player's Handbook, DM's Guide, and Monster Manual to play, however. wink Still, I'm going to spend a year researching this to see if it's feasible and if it is, I will publish it for free on my Crosswinds account. Any fans of D&D and/or GB who are interested please feel free to email me or post on this thread with your questions, suggestions, rants, or encouragement. That's all for now folks. ^_^

by zachjb

23 years ago

I was just wondering if you happen to know a place where I could obtain some of the old Ghostbusters RPG manuals and such. I can only find them on Ebay every-now-and-again.

Also, if you need some help with this project. I might be interested in giving my time away. Just let me know.

by VincentBelmont

23 years ago

I have a better idea than using the D&D books. If you're interested, awhitefire, help me write a public domain Ghostbusters modification of “Call of Cthulhu.” It uses the same D20 system as D&D3, but it will not be released until next month. Drop me an email!

by zachjb

23 years ago

OK. I will see what I can do. Do you know where I can find some of these GB RPG texts online?

by awhitefire

23 years ago


I'm sorry, I don't know where you can find manuals for the original Ghostbusters RPG, my game is not going to be based on it. I am currently considering Vincent's request for my help in building a public domain GB Call of Cthulhu campaign. Drop me a line if you'd like to learn about my plans for GBD20. wink

–Adam Whitefire
Half-Elven Healer
1st level Psychic Warrior, 1st level Cleric