New Ghostbusters: The Video Game Screenshots

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 4 months ago

Isn't the rule nine differences to avoid copyright mumbojumbo? :p

by robbritton

16 years, 4 months ago

And oh what the hell.. do you call those side mirrors? None of the Ectos had that.

The USF replica had them, it's the basis for the Sierra Ecto-1.

So does the original Ecto-1 when Ray first drives it up to the station, before it is painted or anything (the black one). Maybe it missed them?

by Ectofiend

16 years, 4 months ago

robbritton Wrote:
So does the original Ecto-1 when Ray first drives it up to the station, before it is painted or anything (the black one). Maybe it missed them?

:p :-) (^_^)


by jesusfreak1

16 years, 4 months ago

Wii screenshots up at Protoncharging right now!


16 years, 4 months ago

but what do you expect when an average game developer is using an eight year old engine to create this game.

In the videos Mark Randal Clearly states that the engine they use for the Ghostbusters game was made specifically to do Ghostbusters , so I don't know where you got the 8 year old engine thing from
(point me in the direction of that info cause i didn't know that)

Also lets not forget that Dan Aykroyd signed off on all this stuff.
The green cyclotron lights happen when the modes on the proton pack change. I don't know how far along the game is , but I like the screenshots.
I like that theres new tech and Im looking forward to playing it in 3 weeks at Comic Con . the Ecto from part one doesn't look like part 2 exactly, so why is everyone suprised that it's changed when we get a new installment? (;_

by ecto_plasmic1

16 years, 4 months ago

but what do you expect when an average game developer is using an eight year old engine to create this game.

In the videos Mark Randal Clearly states that the engine they use for the Ghostbusters game was made specifically to do Ghostbusters , so I don't know where you got the 8 year old engine thing from
(point me in the direction of that info cause i didn't know that)

Also lets not forget that Dan Aykroyd signed off on all this stuff.
The green cyclotron lights happen when the modes on the proton pack change. I don't know how far along the game is , but I like the screenshots.
I like that theres new tech and Im looking forward to playing it in 3 weeks at Comic Con . the Ecto from part one doesn't look like part 2 exactly, so why is everyone suprised that it's changed when we get a new installment? (;_

well the thing is .. it should be an advancement for Ecto-1a. Like how Ecto-1a still has the feel for the original Ecto. but as I said..they can't please everyone.. lol.

and thanks for the heads up Jesusfreak.

by Sp9543

16 years, 4 months ago

I like Sierra's ecto-1. I think it is a great stylized version. I love the combination of the original logo with the caution tape. Nice update.

by Kingpin

16 years, 4 months ago

Isn't the rule nine differences to avoid copyright mumbojumbo? :p

So I've heard, but I have no idea of the actual legal standing of that ‘rule’.

well the thing is .. it should be an advancement for Ecto-1a. Like how Ecto-1a still has the feel for the original Ecto. but as I said..they can't please everyone.. lol.

The '1A needed toning down, sure it resembled the Ecto-1 but it was over the top, too flashy and impractical. The GB:TVG Ecto-1 reflects Ecto-1A, but tones things down a lot and makes it a more practical and believable car.

Even though it's 32 years old by the time the story is set.

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 4 months ago

I don't think the extra two years of time make it any less impratical than it was in Ghostbusters 2.

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 4 months ago

Wii screenshots up at Protoncharging right now!

I can only say: I HAVE 4 MONTHS TO BUY ME A WII!!