New ideas

by rentongb1

21 years, 7 months ago

I have heard many ideas for Ghostbusters 3, most based around Hell over flowing into our world. This idea has been used many times and I wondered if anyone had any other different storylines for a possible Ghostbusters 3.

by mankind109

21 years, 5 months ago

well my idea was that oscar still had a little evil in him from gb 2 and he built up an army of ghosts in a plan to take over the world and the guys in grey hve to kill oscar but thats my idea and nobody else use it ©

by M.Bison

21 years, 5 months ago

well my idea was that oscar still had a little evil in him from gb 2 and he built up an army of ghosts in a plan to take over the world and the guys in grey hve to kill oscar but thats my idea and nobody else use it ©

Thats…..not……whats the word im looking for…AH! Entertaining. Its, not very thought out, many people have thought up, Oscar and lingering darkness before. Its not too original, nobody uses it because its not a good idea, sorry.

by TheGreatHambino

21 years, 5 months ago

dude thats pretty harsh man i think its a pretty good idea actually to have to kill oscar put the guys in some kind of emotional sturggle.
No hatred, just jokes

by silverexpress57

21 years, 5 months ago

Oscar was a bad idea for GB2. If he were to be in a GB3 he should be like a junior ghostbuster.. Like those kids from the old RGB halloween episode.

by definenormal

21 years, 5 months ago

no jr ghostbuster… i'd much rather go with killing him then having him be a jr ghostbuster


by Xenographer42

21 years, 5 months ago

What junior ghostbusters? There were never any junior ghostbusters.

*Threatening stare*

WERE there?

*ahem* Anyway… Tominator, I love the idea… it would destroy Ray and, perhaps, Peter to have to deal so harshly with the life that they worked so hard to defend. It might darken the films a little, but it would be interesting. However, even if Sony, Aykroyd, or Ramis thought it was a bit macabre for a film, then it would make a top-notch fanfic.

by d_osborn

21 years, 5 months ago

the only reason fan fic writers use the hell thing so much is because that's what was going to be used…. but of course, you already know that.

i've always thought it would be cool to see a GB movie without the big threat to mankind. just have them busting normal, less powerful ghosts. maybe have the story be about a rival business starting up, somehow stealing the plans to the GB equipment.. or whatever. as long as there's good comedy, and some sort of ghostbusting in the background, it would be good.

by mankind109

21 years, 5 months ago

i just thought it would be differant than the whole hell idea and i might use the ideal that oscar grows a year every so week or months just though it would be differant thats all

by rodie1

21 years, 5 months ago

One thing I always thought would be a cool concept for GB (not necessarily GB3) is that they catch like all the ghosts but they don't want to go out of business so they go nuts and start killing people so they'll have more work. (*_*)