New ideas

by ghostbustress1

21 years, 5 months ago

Main Plot:

GB basically thrives and is a prosperous business, now with divisions in several countries including Latin America, UK, Europe and Asia.

The uniforms have been upgraded to look like Batman uniforms. They'll need them because some of the ghosts now have the power to telekinetically slime the GB but with a strange bone marrow-eating acid (more on that later).

Peter/Dana/four guys head the business (Dana bosses Peter around)

Slimer *does* appear in this movie. He helps a lot with the internet, he is a tech expert, and he often carries around papers. Usually the one who orders pizza/chinese when Peter asks for it

The ghosts:

A 1950's cult who worshiped a madwoman, Sabra, 1950's voodoo artist who made a religion after being molested by a priest, thus repulsed by christianity.

She beat them with a rattan cane, cattle prodding them, lashing their backs with a Catwoman-whip and brainwashing them. She taught them the way of life is:

blowing kisses to her 1959 Cadillac
wearing black loincloth at worship time
growing their own crops
feeding on raw horse(which they'd kidnap/slaughter out of every ranch they could find)

She'd be in it, of course, only for the money, but she does use several forms of demonic religion rituals that DO work, simply taking them from several forms of witchcraft and blend them into her own style, using elements of nature as her weaponry.

A bizzard came to their Minnesota ranch (where they set up shop) in 1957 and they froze to death. Now they're back and in New York (where HQ's power source is what they need, as prosperous as the business is…) …but for what?

Janine is also a Ghostbuster (as she was in the cartoon) and also there are more girls than guys as trainees.

by Kingpin

21 years, 5 months ago

Sniffs air

Dear god, I think I can smell a Mary Sue plot developing!

I'm sorry, but I must pick that apart, due to me being a fan of the core/original material and ethics of Ghostbusters.

Changing the suit, is a no-no, update it yes, but change it to Batman style suits? leather? No-way, that would take it away from Dan's original Ghost Janitor Idea.

All this needless slaughter of animals, and erotic inuendos, and this acidic slime? Call me draconian if you must, but I didn't see any of that in any film, cartoon or fiction, and I'll be damned if I'd willing let that happen.

And more women then men? That somehow seems sexist to me. Ghostbusting is a equal sex/race trade.

Dana never bossed Peter around, the four guys were equal partners, Slimer would eat the ordered food and get slime in the keyboard, not do a proper Google search.

I'm sorry, but for my personal opinion, I think that's a bad idea.

by sinister1

21 years, 5 months ago

Oh my…. NO, The ghostbusters are NOT superheroes! They do not swan around in leather. Janine was NEVER a Ghostbuster, merely donned the uniform occasionally! Slimer cannot use the net, nor make food orders. And why the hell would there be more girls than guys? Sad fact is, life doesnt work that way! It's more of a guy thing, im not sdaying girls can't be Ghostbusters, they can. But listen, theres a reason why there are more male Police, soldiers, firemen etc… its because MOST not all women dont want that kind of job, they either want a high power job like a Lawyer, or executive… or they want to be a hairdresser. So thered be less if not the same amount of trainees!

I am not sexist, I believe women can do anything men can. but it's the same reason there are so few male beauticians. I just think we have another imature girl power fanatic here. Let me guess, you want every single girl to be PERFECT and to capture the heart of all the Ghostbusters bar Peter?

I was dragged back to see this post, and boy it brings back bad, bad memories!

And yes, I am in a bad mood. So sorry if i've offended anyone!

I think I'm turning into Proton Charger! Someone hand me a cape and I'll go fly with himand flip out some more!

by ghostbustress1

21 years, 5 months ago

“Let me guess, you want every single girl to be PERFECT and to capture the heart of all the Ghostbusters bar Peter?”

Actually, that idea had never crossed my mind at all….sounds kinda cheesy and cliche, personally.

Well, I certainly didn't mean to make any tempers erupt. And I most certainly didn't mean to appear to be some sort of “fanatic” as you say…I respect opinions…but really, there's no need for an uprising.

Not to say I want any GB ideas of mine to be, they're only ideas.

I do realize some GB stuff needs to be kept pure(the uniforms), I was just exercising possibilties, becuase there are so many. But there needn't be any lashing or quick judgements.

Slimer *was* adorable in the Real Ghostbusters…why not now? In the first movie he couldn't talk, then he had his own cartoon where he eventually could (“Luigi! Jump!”), so who's to say he can't evolve into a *more* cute chacracter?

“And more women then men? That somehow seems sexist to me. Ghostbusting is a equal sex/race trade. ”

I honestly didn't mean to be sexist. I just thought that women were kinda deprived of such major roles as what the GBs have and perhaps just need prominence…I guess maybe they should just be right in there with the boys..? I certainly wouldn't be against the four men being equal w/each other.

The Dana/Peter thing was just for comic relief…I guess it wasn't proper, hearing Kingpin's opinion on that, I realized I had my foot in my mouth.

by Kingpin

21 years, 5 months ago

I admit, my wording was harsh, and seeing how you were only making those as suggestions, and such, I think we can put this sort of thing behind the constructiveness that should be going on.

Constructiveness? is that even a word?

Anyway, I must admit, you certainly have some intresting, if not unusual ideas, I wonder what else you have to offer?

by ghostbustress1

21 years, 5 months ago

The harshness was actually the other guy, I didn't mean to refer to you…

The one who claimed to be in a bad mood…

I do respect your opinion….nevertheless, I think I'll find a place where people express their opinions gently. (^_^)

by Ludicris

21 years, 5 months ago


How about those Yankees?

by crazymrtibbs

21 years, 5 months ago

this kid, ghostbusteress, I like the way you think. Add jack black in there, and maybe some cool techno music…BAM!! we got a movie that could up hold the ghostbusters good name

lighten up kids, its a funny idea, is it such a crime to go CRarrzzy every once and a while? If so, I'm guilty of some serious crimes

and yes I am Emeril

by Ludicris

21 years, 4 months ago




You my friend are an animal. I want to hang with you.

by GhoulBuster

21 years, 4 months ago

Instead of Ghostbusters 3, they should “reboot” the Ghostbusters. The characters would remain the same: Peter Venkman, Egon Spengler, Winston Zeddemore, Ray Stanz, etc. but played by other actors. I know this sounds like a blasphemy , but this way you don't depend that much in wheather or not Bill Murray wants to be in the movie or not. A movie with Ramis, Aykroyd and Hudson, but no Murray would be too wierd. They should cast unknowns, so that we don't see, say, Mike Myers dressed-up as Ray Stanz or something like that.

The remake should pretty much mirror and update the first half of GB1(only in that with today effects we can have more ghostbusting set pieces and not only the Sedgwick Hotel one, the janitor/low-tech thing of the ghostbusting equipment should remain), but have the guys battle something different, lesser, than Gozer in the end. Gozer the Gozerian is so powerful that he should appear in a sequel, maybe the first movie should end in a cliffhager that leads in to the Gozer storyline.

In few words, just like the new comic “feeds” on the first movie, the remake could “feed” on what the comic is doing, placing the same characters (only younger) in the very early 21st century.

Fell free to disagree