New ideas

by Kingpin

21 years, 5 months ago

They can never remake a classic like GB, altering the storyline like that…

I'm sorry, if it's a GB film without Aykroyd, then I don't want to see it

An intresting idea none the less though.

by GhoulBuster

21 years, 4 months ago

Hey, I'm not saying that it MUST be made that way. I know it's almost impossible to improve on a classic like Ghostbusters, specially since it is a given that a remake will disgruntle many, many fans. What I meant was that if I could choose between: “all-new Ghostbusters lineup movie”, “A remake Ghostbusters movie” or “No new Ghosbusters movie ever”, I'd take a remake. :-)

by perfect_one2k31

21 years, 2 months ago

I think that all the ideas so far are needless to say unique. I think that there shoudl sefferently be a new Ghostbusters movie. Me I guess I'm just caught up on the idea of a whole new Ghostbuster unit.

Extreme Ghostbusters set up, only with the other Ghostbusters caught in a alternative dimenssion (Gozer). The only one left would be Egon cause he sumhow managed to flee the scene at the frist of the movie. (Maybe blown outta the way or something to that sorts.) He works days on in on trying to finding away to rescue his fellow Ghostbusters. Finding way other then going in after them, he trains new Ghostbusters to follow him into battle. While in Gozer's dimenssion then you find out that Peter has fallen victim much to the dismay of many Ghostheads (That fixes Bill Muray). In the end of course the new Ghostbusters with upgraded tatics & Proton Packs (EGB) team up with the remaining Ghostbusters to fight their out.