New IGN interview

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

man, the ‘giant bomb’ article on the official news page is a little spoilerific.

What's spoiler about that to you? There's one part about the end of the library level… other than that, its all information that we've known about for months.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago


What's the new part?

by robbritton

16 years ago

Doctor Venkman;136319
What's spoiler about that to you? There's one part about the end of the library level… other than that, its all information that we've known about for months.

just the nature of Library ghost's coming to be a ghost and what happens at the end of the level when you find the codex. I'd read copious articles up to now but that's the first time i'd come across those things.

It's possible I just haven't been paying attention, granted!

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

just the nature of Library ghost's coming to be a ghost and what happens at the end of the level when you find the codex. I'd read copious articles up to now but that's the first time i'd come across those things.

It's possible I just haven't been paying attention, granted!

Yeah the Gozer codex has been mentioned since the beginning when we first heard about the game.

by robbritton

16 years ago

Yeah, but not what it does, nor at which stage of the Library level it does it.

but yeah, doesn't matter.

by Whisk

16 years ago

nice read! glad to hear there is some form of co-op with multiplayer. i'm crossing my fingers theres a level at the Sedgewick and a hunt for slimer in the ballroom. The flowers are still standing! :-)