New member, old fan

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

Believe me, we are sane compared to other boards. :p

But you'll be fine. Just stay at least 50 feet away from the containment unit and you SHOULD be ok.

by pantshater24

17 years, 1 month ago

ahh i love you guys.

man it's been a while since i posted…god i guess that's what happens when you have a new gf

anyways, welcome to the boards Library Ghost , and i would take sinister's advice and to stay away from Newrecruit, ever since he looked at the trap he hasn't really been that same. he keeps asking us if we're the keymaster…

but ya have fun one here and welcome once again! it's a great time to be a Ghostbuster fan!

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

Anyway. Yes, Library Ghost, we are oneinsanedysfunctional, but generally happy family here.

Hey, he's not soo bad after all; at least he remember what the situation is, for him and his followers…

I don't even have to explain why I was the one charged to welcome the new recruits!

But, like he said, they're “generally an happy family”. The reason why we keep them is to exorcise any posessed; they become so dysfunctional sometimes that even a ghost can't stand them! No need for a slimeblower and trap, things stay clean and we never saw a ghost return after that!

take sinister's advice and to stay away from Newrecruit, ever since he looked at the trap he hasn't really been that same. he keeps asking us if we're the keymaster…

Understand why they're as “one”?

Come on now, stop being jealous beacause I captured the ghost just in time to stop you from crossing the streams… and who lost the keys of the car after that? Who? The “KeYmAsTeR”! Yep, I will never forget it, we had to call a tow truck! :@

It happened not twice but three time! And he still ask for the key… :-)

by sinister1

17 years, 1 month ago

New Recruit Ladies and Gentlemen,

A shining example of the DSMIV in it's entirety.

by misfit1

17 years, 1 month ago


Don't know these people. (*peter)

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

A shining example of the DSMIV in it's entirety.

See, he even remember his own stage level… I had to search Google to know what he was talking about (*egon) (*janine)

LibraryGhost, you're not safe here, the containment unit, that slimer, them , you have two choices: take another job or sleep at your place and return here during the day (*peter)

by pantshater24

17 years, 1 month ago

Newrecruit, i wasn't talking about that time, i was talking about the time you started wearing a very revealing red dress and kept going around the firehouse asking if we were the keymasters cuz you were the gatekeeper. then you went outside and found some hobo and brought him into your room…

told you not to stare into the trap…

by mdp872105

17 years, 1 month ago

I just like to say welcome and don't mind the rest of the guys just keep in mind that the pole is for quick access to the first floor and not for dancing I don't care how drunk you are. :-)

by sinister1

17 years, 1 month ago

Mdp, if you're looking for where your mind has disapeared to, I'd suggest trying the gutter.

by pantshater24

17 years, 1 month ago

ya mdp872105 of all the people to talk about the pole…

flashback two years ago on St Patty's day

Mdp872105:“ whooo look at meeeeee”

NewRecruit: “oooh i think you are the keymaster”

Mdp872105: “i am? I AM!!, i need to celebrate!” he gazes lovingly at the pole.

Pantshater24: “Mdp872105, i don't think it's a good idea to get on the pole…”

Mdp872105: “you shut up i will do what i want. 'sides this is how i made my way through college”

then before you know it, Mdp872105 is on top of Newrecruit as he fell off the top of the pole. course Newrecruit had to be wearing his proton pack at the time. almost torched half of the firehouse.