*New Old Dan Interview From February 2009

by Ectofiend

15 years, 12 months ago

*I found this perusing the net, as usual, and didn't see it posted elsewhere. Nothing really new, however I've never heard him word the answers quite this way. See for yourself:

Published: Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Aykroyd on wine, NH, ‘Ghostbusters’

QUESTION: OK, “Ghostbusters 3,” what's happening?

ANSWER: Well, we have the game "Ghostbusters 3" coming out in June.

QUESTION: You did voice work for that, right?

ANSWER: Harold (Ramis) and I wrote part of the script, and I performed the voice. We worked with them very closely to make that happen, and now we have the movie being written by two of the writers from “The Office.”


ANSWER: So with all the winds of the gods behind us, we hope to be in production by October.

QUESTION: And you won't let the millions of “Ghostbuster” fans down, I trust.

ANSWER: I hope not. I'm the biggest fan of “Ghostbusters,” having originated the beast. I've always wanted to have the third movie. I've written two versions of it and now, finally it looks like we're going to get it made.
*From here:



by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 11 months ago

Always great to hear. Also though, with Dan, just like with any of us, he's so positive and so anxious to get it made, that sometimes he's gotten over-excited and it ends up not happening. Best to take everything with a grain of salt until its announced. Though, personally, I do think its probably finally going to happen.

by rodie1

15 years, 11 months ago

Hmm I wonder what his other version was about…