New rewards?

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 11 months ago

on the console, probably not very good.

On pc it can happen. All the ghostbusters share the same skeleton, body, and animations. All it would take is for someone to come in and swap the heads out with a custom script. I'll have to check and see if they actually shipped on disc.

I mean I can play as them… :p

That's what I was figuring…doesn't hurt to ask though. Maybe one day though.

by ReplicaterZ

14 years, 11 months ago

I wonder, I would allmost bet if you complete the game on profesional level on the PS3 version you probably get an extra character, cause I remember when I finally beat it for PS2, you got this blue looking character with glowing eyes, I guess it was zull I unlocked………. No crap though!! On the Playstation network for PS3 this guy chose a character with no skin on its head, it was just a skull and he played it, so I'll try completing the game on Hard/profesional difficullty and let you guys know if you get anything else………..I was hoping someone else tried it, so I wouldnt waiste my time if we get nothing, but no one seams to know for sure, so I'll try it then

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 11 months ago

On the Playstation network for PS3 this guy chose a character with no skin on its head, it was just a skull and he played it,

If it was called the “Ghoul” character it came from a Best Buy download code - not an unlockable.

by Buckynohair

14 years, 11 months ago

I completed the game on the hardest difficulty and honestly m8, no unlockables. Not characters anyway. Just videos and art-work. There were codes for pre-ordering in which you could get “Ghostbusters 2 uniform & logo” “multiplayer Mayor & Ghoul character” think that's it.

by ReplicaterZ

14 years, 11 months ago

Oh ok, I understand now, thanks guys!! I have a good idea, what I'm thinkin about doing, is trading in the ghostbusters I have from Walmart, and getting one from game stop, then trade that one in, and get one from Best buy, cause the PS3 system will save all the data, so then you could have the GB2 suit, the gouhl character, and the gold proton pack, thats a decent idea, might cost a little more but then, you could have your cake and eat it too, lol!!!

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 11 months ago

That's one way. Guess it wouldn't be so frowned on now that everyone's had more than enough chance to buy from their store of choice. I pre-ordered my copy from GameStop and got the GBII flight suit. Then just picked up the other two codes on Ebay. Every time I play on line I still get questions about how I got the Ghoul and Mayor - so it shows how the information just wasn't released out there like we thought it was.

by ReplicaterZ

14 years, 11 months ago

Well in that case I'll save myself the trouble and just look on ebay for the promotion codes, thanks for the info!

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 11 months ago

no prob. Most of them that are on ebay have free shipping to boot. I thought about doing it like you mentioned, but some places are really cracking down on the return of video games. (Walmart, for example, will only let you exchange, even an unopened game, to put towards another video game of the same price or higher. You can't even just get a gift card out of it anymore.) Also, when we weren't sure how many or few of the codes would be available, the idea of buying and returning copies to the store was frowned upon by several members as really an unfair way to get the codes and screw others over. However, now that 8 months have gone by and at least the Best Buy where I live still has code boxes available - I don't think that would be such a big deal.

by ReplicaterZ

14 years, 11 months ago

If I find them on ebay I will post them for other folks to use once I download the extras, You would think the codes would work multiple times seeing how people trade the game in…..

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 11 months ago

Actually, that's been tried as well. (Even I tried that one) The codes are one-time use only codes. That's why you've got to “buy” one from someone. If it's on Ebay though, just make sure it's unused. Otherwise it won't do you any good.