New style Extreme Ghostbusters PKE Meter

by crusader_x

15 years, 11 months ago

Extreme Ghostbusters style PKE << Click for more pics and info

Only thing left to do is figure out how I want to attach it to my belt. I was thinking of adding a clip to the back, or use a leather holster. The only problem is that the body is pretty thick, much thicker than my RGB PKE so it won't fit the same kind of holster. And the body is quite hefty making it a little top-heavy. I just can't seem to find simple metal clips that I could screw onto the back anywhere… any ideas?

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 11 months ago

Wow… that turned out considerably well. What did you use to build it? It looks like a PVC handle and an experiment box from Radio Shack for the box…

by Shadow2K

15 years, 11 months ago

Sweeet! I want to build one! Got any blueprints?

by Ghostbuster-Adem

15 years, 11 months ago

Now that's a Prop worth being proud of! You did an amazing job on that and it looks pretty damn close to the original Meter on the Series. Amazed I am!

by crusader_x

15 years, 10 months ago

Now that's a Prop worth being proud of! You did an amazing job on that and it looks pretty damn close to the original Meter on the Series. Amazed I am!

Thank you!

Wow… that turned out considerably well. What did you use to build it? It looks like a PVC handle and an experiment box from Radio Shack for the box…

The main body is actually an electrical conduit box from Home Depot with 3/4 inch openings, so it fits PVC (for the handle) perfectly. It's hard to describe each part so instead I am doing a guide for a very similar PKE to show you what I used…

Sweeet! I want to build one! Got any blueprints?

Right now I am finishing my first build guide, for a pair of Ecto Goggles, then I have another PKE that I will do a build guide for as well that uses most all the parts that I used on this one, I'll let you know when it's finished…