New Style PKE Meter

by crusader_x

15 years, 6 months ago

When I met Dan Akroyd in April of 2009 I had him sign my RGB PKE meter and I knew then that it would need to be retired and a replaced. So I went to work on a new design idea for a PKE that keeps the body simple and narrow as not to clutter my belt. The result is my version 2 PKE and it features a small scanning armature at the top that has 6 blue LEDs chasing back and forth when turned on. The screen also lights up with a LED that slowly fades to different colors and the two blue lights on the console light up. All of the knobs turn and the scanning armature has a small degree of rotation as well. The decals are all designed in Photoshop and printed on vinyl. And as you can see, my favorite color is blue.

Paints used:
- Krylon Fusion Flat Black
- Krylon Metallic Brilliant Silver
- Testors Model Master Acryl Silver
- Tamiya Acrylic Clear Blue

First a basecoat of Flat Black, then Brilliant Silver for the side knobs and the scanning armature. Clear Blue was used over the tubing on the armature and Silver was used to weather by drybrushing.
Thanks for looking!

by Kingpin

15 years, 6 months ago

For a custom design, that is extremely cool. Nice work… you could have a future in the Prop industry.

by JimCem99

15 years, 6 months ago

I was there at the ABC Wine and Spirits (how fitting!) right in front of you guys in line; tall guy with blonde hair and glasses and was asking you questions about the props. I love your props btw, really nice work. I wish I could make them; I'm not too handy. Perhaps one day I can buy your stuff off ebay. Also nice touch having Dan sign the PKE meter.

by Nix

15 years, 6 months ago

I was there at the ABC Wine and Spirits (how fitting!) right in front of you guys in line; tall guy with blonde hair and glasses and was asking you questions about the props. I love your props btw, really nice work. I wish I could make them; I'm not too handy. Perhaps one day I can buy your stuff off ebay. Also nice touch having Dan sign the PKE meter.

He didn't ask “Where do you keep the spirits” while waving the PKE Meter around, did he?

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 6 months ago

Not half bad. I like it. Has sort of a periscope feel to it.

by Nix

15 years, 6 months ago

Hey, Crusader, I'm just wondering: What kind of motor does the “sweeping arm” use to achieve the desired effect?

RE: JCGamora

You're right about the “periscope” thing…it does have a very submarine-like feel to it, almost like a miniature radar scanner.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 6 months ago

LOL, I wonder if the sound it makes when scanning is radar bloops

by crusader_x

15 years, 6 months ago

Hey, Crusader, I'm just wondering: What kind of motor does the “sweeping arm” use to achieve the desired effect?

RE: JCGamora

You're right about the “periscope” thing…it does have a very submarine-like feel to it, almost like a miniature radar scanner.

It's not motorized, the arm just rotates a few degrees left or right manually.

I was there at the ABC Wine and Spirits (how fitting!) right in front of you guys in line; tall guy with blonde hair and glasses and was asking you questions about the props. I love your props btw, really nice work. I wish I could make them; I'm not too handy. Perhaps one day I can buy your stuff off ebay. Also nice touch having Dan sign the PKE meter.

Yes I do remember you, we had a great time and Dan was just awesome. Hope to do that again!

Thanks for all the feedback guys, I have more PKEs on the workbench of different styles…

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 6 months ago

Very cool. Did you make the board for the LEDs on the arm? If so, you don't happen to have a diagram of that, do you?

by crusader_x

15 years, 6 months ago

Ayame Ex_Goddess;151477
Very cool. Did you make the board for the LEDs on the arm? If so, you don't happen to have a diagram of that, do you?

Negative, I just used a Velleman Light Chaser kit and switched out the LEDs
Here's the kit:
and you can download the PDF with the circuit diagram here:
I found it on Ebay a while ago, there's an Ebay Store that has them I believe…