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by Kingpin

21 years, 7 months ago

by BlueWaveGB

21 years, 7 months ago

Id like to think despite my living in the ol midwest away from Diego and such, and Rosh living in Illinois, that the both of us put in some work on the convention. I was initially the one who tried to get it up and going way way back before all those junk posts on the old board…

by ajquick1

21 years, 7 months ago

Fo' Shizzle.

by Kingpin

21 years, 5 months ago

-GB References- (Updated)

Muppet Treasure Island
Penny Acrade

-I've seen a ripoff of Real Ghostbusters!-

Did it contain an ape and a flying car? If so that was Filmation's Ghostbusters, please see above entry for them.

If it contained weird parodies of the RGB, and a weird look scientist with a dog named Elizabeth, then that was Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters. Something brought along by ABC, was Slimer's own show which didn't last a great deal of time. For more information please either check out Proton Charging, or Future Echoes and The Return of the New Jersey Turnpike Terror written by Fritz Baugh.

-Where can I find information on the history of the Ghostbusters?-

A member going by the name of Fritz Baugh created a Ghostbusters Ominbus Timeline, which collected both of the Movies, the Real Ghostbusters cartoon and the Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon into one, well compiled timeline.

Doc Fritz's Fiction

The Ghostbusters Omnibus Timeline

by stuck_in_a_ghost_trap

21 years, 5 months ago

im new here too. well i have been a registered member for awhile but i just havent posted. sooo hello to all

by DocFritz

21 years, 5 months ago

What the Heck is This Extreme Ghostbusters (EGB or XGB) I keep Hearing About?

EGB was a sequel to The Real Ghostbusters produced by Sony in 1997 as an attempt to revive the franchise and, some believe, send out “feelers” for a possible Ghostbusters III. The show took place a few years after RGB and introduced four new characters. It changed a lot of the equipment, and of the original characters only Egon, Janine, and Slimer were in it (though Venkman, Ray, and Winston appeared in a two-part story “Back In The Saddle”)

The show only lasted one year and is considered a failure. A vocal minority liked it, (guilty!!!) but most Ghostheads hold it in only slightly higher esteem than the Junior Ghostbusters or the Filmation Ghostbusters

The Cast of Extreme Ghostbusters:

Rino Romano–Eduardo Rivera
Tara Charendoff (now Tara Strong)–Kylie Griffin
Jason Marsden–Garrett Miller
Alfonso Ribeiro–Roland Jackson
Maurice LaMarche–Dr. Egon Spengler
Pat Musick–Janine Melnitz
Billy West–Slimer

(Dave Coulier, Frank Welker, and Buster Jones respectively reprised Venkman, Ray, and Winston in “Back In The Saddle”)

by DocFritz

21 years, 3 months ago

Since it came up again recently…

Where does the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man appear in The Real Ghostbusters?


The Revenge of Murray The Mantis

Sticky Business

Cry Uncle

Mr Sandman Dream Me a Dream(as a dream)

Deadcon I

Any others? (^_^)

Egon(in Cry Uncle to Stay Puft) “hey! uh..fatboy!”

Why is Stay Puft even in the cartoon? Doesn't he get blown up at the end of GB1?

That was never explained in the cartoon. One possibility is that after the ecto marshmallow was cleaned up, it was stored in the Ecto Containment Unit and recongealed in the same form it last had–Mr. Stay Puft. But since Gozer's intelligence had been shifted back to it's own dimension, Stay Puft was mindless and then developed a simple, childlike personality.

by EvilToaster

21 years, 3 months ago

By the way, for anyone who's interested, many of the above threads mentioned in Kingpin's list are no longer reply-able (for example, the convention threads). These threads belong to the old board of GBN. Below you can find the latest thread on ghostbusters conventions:

by jag

21 years, 2 months ago

The show only lasted one year and is considered a failure. A vocal minority liked it, (guilty!!!) but most Ghostheads hold it in only slightly higher esteem than the Junior Ghostbusters or the Filmation Ghostbusters

Speak for yourself. Although the popularity of the first show vs this one simply cannot be debated, those 40 episodes of EGB proved that this is a league of it's own. Quality has it's own quantity.

If I'm not mistaken, it was complaints by parents about violence that got the show killed plus the studio was on a very strict schedule. They never planned beyond 40 and were overworked as it is. When the first season got over, many of the crew were releived and left.

by DocFritz

21 years, 2 months ago

Ahhh yeah been meaning to add that forever, also some good ones. (^_^)

What is Slimer?

What episode has the Terror Dogs?

What episode has/mentions Gozer or Vigo?


Oh, heck, let me take a crack…

What is Slimer? :-O
Slimer is a Focused, Non-Terminal Repeating Phantasm, or a Class Five Full Roaming Vapor. Now if you mean, what was he, that's never been established in the movies or the animation. A line by Aykroyd in Making Ghostbusters suggests he's an amalgamation of hungry spirits in the Sedgewick Hotel. (Thanks to D.Osborn for that tidbit) Ghostbusters International suggests he was a byproduct of cult activity in the Sedgewick basement. A Marvel UK RGB comic suggests he was some sort of king. Some have suggested from the way he acts he used to be a dog. But noone (probably not even Slimer himself) knows for sure.

What Episode Has Terror Dogs?
Terror dogs are seen in “Egon's Ghost”, in the Netherworld, and in “The Copycat”. The introductory sequence used beginning in 1988 also features a glimpse of a Terror Dog. features a more complete discussion, as well as a screen cap courtesy of Zack

What episode has/mentions Gozer or Vigo?
Niether appear in the series (unless you count Mr. Stay Puft as kind of a lobotomized part of Gozer); Gozer proper is mentioned in “Citizen Ghost”, “Revenge of Murray the Mantis”, “Collect Call of Cthulhu”, Janine Melnitz: Ghostbuster“ and ”Captain Steel Saves The Day“ off the top of my head (and Kingpin and Zack's). Vigo is only mentioned in ”Partners In Slime"

Here's one that came up recently…
Is Louis Tully Oscar's Father? Zuul and Vinz did..y'know…
No. There is five years between the movies. Oscar is about eight months or so old in GB2. Basic biology says that's impossible

Okay, Mr. Smarty Pants, who IS Oscar's father
That has never been 100% established onscreen or in any officially endorsed materials. Sigourney Weaver (1989 on The Arsenio Hall Show) and Joe Medjuck (in the 1999 Ghostbusters DVD) both state, however, that it is assumed that Oscar's father is the violinist seen with Dana in one scene in Gb1, whom Venkman calls “The Stiff” (and Sigourney referred to as “Mister Nose Spray”).

Okay. I guess. Does the dude have a name?
He's never given a name onscreen (he's simply referred to as “Violinist” in the GB1 credits), but in the GB1 novelization he's referred to as Andre Wallance. (Thanks to Miss Janine for that information) Meaning that Dana's son's birth name is presumed to be Oscar Wallance
(*peter) –The poor poor kid