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by claire

14 years, 1 month ago

Hi everyone…I am back with another question for a gift for my boyfriend. Thanks so much for your help last time! I bought him the book Making Ghostbusters from one of the suggestions and he loves it! I want to buy him a foot pedal for his ghost trap. I found this one on ebay but I really don't know the authenticity of it. I don't want to buy something that is totally different then what they used in the movie….if you guys could help out again that would be greatly appreciated!!

This is the trap….

A huge THANKS!!!

by Nix

14 years, 1 month ago

Hi everyone…I am back with another question for a gift for my boyfriend. Thanks so much for your help last time! I bought him the book Making Ghostbusters from one of the suggestions and he loves it! I want to buy him a foot pedal for his ghost trap. I found this one on ebay but I really don't know the authenticity of it. I don't want to buy something that is totally different then what they used in the movie….if you guys could help out again that would be greatly appreciated!!

This is the trap….

A huge THANKS!!!

That's…basically what the screen-used prop looks like.

by odyn1232

14 years, 1 month ago

Been coming to this site for years and just got my profile, so thought I would say “Hello one and all!”. And also, I'm jealous of the Pink Ghostbuster's proton pack (;_ (will post pics of mine in the proper section when I get around to it). Till then, taker easy and happy bustin everybody!

by claire

14 years, 1 month ago

That's…basically what the screen-used prop looks like.

Thanks so much! Is this one better?


by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 1 month ago

Thanks so much! Is this one better?


That one is really good, and multimediamayhem is a great seller. He makes quality stuff.

by claire

14 years, 1 month ago

Doctor Venkman;168572
That one is really good, and multimediamayhem is a great seller. He makes quality stuff.

Awesome!! Im gonna buy it for him then Thanks