New Wii Blog entry, Faithful to the Source

by Dakera

15 years, 8 months ago

yeah. He's 112 ft tall in our game.

If you can get me a picture the stay puft standing next to the rookie I would love that.

(mostly for the sense of scale.)

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 8 months ago

Scott - I gotcha. Wasn't trying to counter-point, just kinda mentioning it as something I am personally happy about in regards to it. I think I'm diggin on the Wii version so much because I was (perhaps) a bigger fan of The Real Ghostbusters TV show than the movies when I was young.

On that note-

Jonathan Archer;141032
Well, theres that and IMO, trying to port a 360/PS3 game's graphics over to the Wii will totally not look right since its not as powerful as those two consoles.

That was closer to what I meant. It's refreshing seeing a studio take this approach to Wii development, making the concept their own and working within the limits of what the Wii can present visually. Another bad example is Alone in the Dark where they tried to keep it so close to the 360/PS3 versions that they ended up with mediocre graphics and like, 6 enemies in the game.

by GuyCC

15 years, 8 months ago

They have a reference to Vigo? AWESOME!

I pre-ordered the Slimer Amazon edition Wii game, and I'll be getting the regular 360 game.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 8 months ago

That was closer to what I meant. It's refreshing seeing a studio take this approach to Wii development, making the concept their own and working within the limits of what the Wii can present visually. Another bad example is Alone in the Dark where they tried to keep it so close to the 360/PS3 versions that they ended up with mediocre graphics and like, 6 enemies in the game.

They did this with Dead Rising as well and like Alone in the Dark, only a small amount of zombies can be on screen, so yeah, I'm glad Red Fly went their own way with their game.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

Jonathan Archer;141572
They did this with Dead Rising as well and like Alone in the Dark, only a small amount of zombies can be on screen, so yeah, I'm glad Red Fly went their own way with their game.

Oh, and you forgot about him (Frank in DR) not being able to take pictures which makes SO much sense since he is a photojournalist..