New Wii gameplay video at IGN

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 8 months ago

ok, see now ur trying to fight with me. The Wii is cool but hardcore stream gamers play Xbox and Playstation. i have all three so i dont hate on any. i have my likes and dislikes for all platform systems.

Not really, I'm not the one who went “It is the Wii after all” and you know what, who cares about the hardcore gamers, Nintendo couldn't care less and look where they're at #1 and making millions upon millions of dollars.

That being said, I watched the video, and I laughed at how the guy controlling the rookie was just blatantly destroying everything he came across.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 8 months ago

lol, ok but none of the less my facts are the truth. Yes Nintendo has WAAAY more money then Microsoft and Sony. But i believe hardcore gamers get a upper hand gaming experience then Wii which just seeks out to be different. Which is fine… so… i dont see how ur making me into a Wii hater.

I understand what Nintendo trying to do.

i see the Ghostbusters on the Wii trying to be Ghostbusters on Xbox/PS3… not the other way around.

No mistake…i aint hating…stating quite obvious facts

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 8 months ago

lol, ok but none of the less my facts are the truth. Yes Nintendo has WAAAY more money then Microsoft and Sony. But i believe hardcore gamers get a upper hand gaming experience then Wii which just seeks out to be different. Which is fine… so… i dont see how ur making me into a Wii hater.

I understand what Nintendo trying to do.

i see the Ghostbusters on the Wii trying to be Ghostbusters on Xbox/PS3… not the other way around.

No mistake…i aint hating…stating quite obvious facts

Not really, as I said, Nintendo couldn't care less about the core gamers, and you know what, more power to them, and as for the Wii version trying to be the 360/PS3 version HAHAHAH…no.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 8 months ago

Well having to consider Wii's mechanics but… none of the less.. yes.

OK, and yea Nintendo doesnt care. once again… thats why they seek out to be different.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 8 months ago

Well having to consider Wii's mechanics but… none of the less.. yes.

OK, and yea Nintendo doesnt care. once again… thats why they seek out to be different.

Again, no, if they wanted to be the other versions, they would've ported the PS3/360 versions over, sorry, no.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 8 months ago

Well…its funny

The developers of the Wii Ghostbusters say they didnt wanna port and give Wii gamers a down graded version of the game.

When really, its still down graded in my eyes because its not realistic (compared to Xbox/PS3) but they put a nice word to it..“stylized”

Unfortuantely thats just the best route for Wii anyways cuz thats what it is capable of…

You dont have to defend the Wii because im not offending it. Im just stating facts dude…

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 8 months ago

Well…its funny

The developers of the Wii Ghostbusters say they didnt wanna port and give Wii gamers a down graded version of the game.

When really, its still down graded in my eyes because its not realistic (compared to Xbox/PS3) but they put a nice word to it..“stylized”

Unfortuantely thats just the best route for Wii anyways cuz thats what it is capable of…

You dont have to defend the Wii because im not offending it. Im just stating facts dude…

So in other words, all I hear is “Waaaa, its not realistic and sucky so it sucks.” Its no wonder Nintendo doesn't listen to hardcore gamers.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 8 months ago

ur just being an a** now so forget it..

never said it sucks cuz it doesnt

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 8 months ago

ur just being an a** know so forget it..

never said it sucks cuz it doesnt

Sorry, but I calls them as I see them.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 8 months ago

ok buddy… sure